Over 90% of respondents were in favour of closed loop insulin del

Over 90% of respondents were in favour of closed loop insulin delivery and gave reasons for these views; 31.5% of respondents thought that having a closed loop system would provide them with better BG control than their current insulin pump treatment. In particular, 10% of the respondents thought that a closed loop system would offer the best possible chance of achieving

glycaemic control in the non-diabetic range. The majority of respondents felt there were still many disadvantages to current external NVP-AUY922 insulin pumps such as their constant visible presence, rotation of insertion sites, cannula site irritation/infection and skin inflammation. The concept of a so-called artificial pancreas is widely acknowledged by interested parties as the ‘holy grail’ in insulin delivery and BG management and, although only 10% mTOR inhibitor of respondents actually selected this answer, many of the other responses encompassed elements of the concept. Other common responses included: ‘It would fit into my lifestyle more easily’ suggesting that they would be able to forget about the constant vigilance required from BG testing and insulin administration; and ‘It would be accurate,

safe and sensitive’ which highlights that most people with diabetes still have issues relating to BG control as well as safety. Only 4% of respondents did not think that closed loop delivery would be an attractive proposition. The main concern from these responses related to a possible failure of the device indicating 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) reductase that they would not feel safe or comfortable allowing a device to deliver their insulin automatically. Other responses included

concerns that the device would not allow the user to make their own adjustments and that they would constantly worry that the device would fail. A more obvious reason for not finding this type of device attractive for respondents was they would find the insertion surgery invasive and undesirable. These responses suggest insulin pump users tend to be well adapted to the demands of running a pump safely and effectively and it is not surprising that they would identify not only the advantages, but also the potential disadvantages and hazards of an implantable closed loop system. Table 2 shows the positive responses to a question where respondents were asked what their opinions would be regarding a closed loop insulin pump that needed to be implanted under the skin. It can be seen that the main concerns about an implantable closed loop delivery device relate to the surgery and the refilling of the insulin in such a device. The main negative responses to an implantable insulin pump related to concerns about the surgery itself and possible resulting infection, as well as device safety, the concept of an implanted device and the impact on others including children.

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