15 In this context, Hou and colleages identified the network of l

15 In this context, Hou and colleages identified the network of low miR-199a/b-3p expression, high PAK expression and consecutive

activation see more of the Raf/MEK/ERK cascade as a new key player in development and progression of HCC. Notably, most of the patients analyzed in their study suffered from hepatitis B virus–associated HCC, and further studies are needed to clarify whether these data can be transferred one-to-one to HCC caused by other etiologies. Interestingly, the authors further verified an increase of miR-199a/b-3p in nontumorous but fibrotic tissues, which is in line with previous array-based data from mouse models of liver fibrosis and from patients with liver cirrhosis6, 16, 17 and suggests that this specific miRNA might functionally be

involved in the processes driving the transition from fibrosis to HCC. Finally, in this elegant article, the authors provided evidence that genetic delivery of miR-199a/b-3p might represent a promising option for pharmacological manipulation of tumor progression in patients with HCC. However, major obstacles have to be overcome on the way to a successful miRNA-based therapy. First, Maraviroc the optimal way for an effective and safe delivery of miRNA into cancer cells or the tumor microenvironment still remains unclear. They can be delivered by retroviruses, adenoviruses, or adeno-associated viruses or injected in cholesterol-modified form to the tissue of interest.18 The authors and other groups demonstrated the feasibility of both approaches in rodents and nonhuman primates. Second, the high number of potential targets for each individual miRNA may give rise to unexpected and

fatal toxicity. If these concerns can be addressed, the promise of an miR-based anticancer therapy might become reality. “
“Intestinal failure (IF) occurs where absorption of nutrients and water from the gut is inadequate to provide sufficient nutrition for maintenance and growth, resulting in the need for parenteral nutrition (PN). PN should be administered when the gut is unable to provide nutrition for a period of at least a week. The nutrition support team (NST) provides support in the nutritional management of any child with complex nutritional needs, 上海皓元 especially where there are complicating factors. Short bowel syndrome (SBS) in children is most common in infancy and is defined as a bowel length of <80 cm, with very short bowel defined as <40 cm and extreme as <15 cm. Most congenital enteropathies present in the first 6 months of life, often in the first weeks. Primary chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction syndrome (CIPOS) may be familial or sporadic, due to abnormalities in enteric smooth muscle or the enteric nervous system. "
“We read with interest the article by Kamiyama et al.

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