A randomized cross-over trial of 36 hypotension-prone dialysis pa

A randomized cross-over trial of 36 hypotension-prone dialysis patients comparing BVM and conventional dialysis

showed a 30% reduction in the incidence of IDH when patients received treatment with BVM.27 This finding was more pronounced in patients GSK1120212 manufacturer with symptomatic IDH and the absence of inter-dialytic hypotension. In a multicentre prospective study BVM was used to assess RBV reduction during HD and to establish clinical predictive factors.21 123 HD patients were divided into IDH-prone, normotensive and hypertensive groups. There was no difference in the RBV curves among the three groups and no critical RBV level for predicting IDH was identified. The effect of BVM on morbidity and hospitalization rates in HD was assessed in 443 HD patients randomized to 6 months of BVM (n = 227) JAK activation or conventional monitoring (n = 216).26 In contrast to most previous studies, the patients were not selected on the basis to being prone to IDH. More non-access-related hospitalizations were seen in the BVM compared with conventional monitoring groups (120 vs 81 episodes).

The unadjusted and adjusted risk ratios for non-access-related hospitalizations were 1.49 (95% CI, 1.07–2.08, P = 0.017) and 1.61 (95% CI, 1.15–2.25. P = 0.01), respectively. The adjusted risk ratios for cardiovascular admissions was 1.85 (95% CI, 1.19–2.86, P = 0.006). Mortality at 6 months was greater in the BVM than the conventional monitoring group (8.7% and 3.3%, respectively; P = 0.021 by log–rank test). The results of this study, the largest prospective, randomized trial published, conflict with previous smaller studies. Possible explanations offered for the increased rate of hospital admissions observed in the BVM group were increased vigilance and subsequent interventions to improve outcomes. This was contradicted by

the increased mortality in the BVM group. It was noted that the conventional monitoring group had a lower than expected mortality and hospitalization rate, NADPH-cytochrome-c2 reductase which may have exacerbated the differences between the two groups. However, the biggest determinant and likely explanation is that unlike previous trials the study population was not limited to those with clinical issues of volume management and haemodynamic instability. In addition, recent work has also examined the assumption the relationship between the afferent haemoconcentration, observed RBV and the total blood volume (TBV). The RBV measurements determined by the haemoconcentration of afferent blood can adequately represent the TBV only if there is uniform mixing of plasma and erythrocytes throughout the different vascular beds of the circulation.31 The authors demonstrate that this assumption is incomplete as the whole-body haematocrit is lower than the haematocrit of arterial or venous blood and that this ratio also changes during HD.32 The observed RBV will therefore differ significantly from the TBV and therefore introduce errors in the assessment of the patients risk of IDH.

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