A number of studies comparing TCR affinities

have been re

A number of studies comparing TCR affinities

have been reported ([12-14], and references therein), and a tentative assertion made of differing affinities between ABT-199 cell line VA- and TAPA-specific TCRs, with the virus-specific TCRs binding tighter than cancer-specific ones [12, 14-16]. However, definitive conclusions are difficult to draw for two reasons; first, only a rather limited data set is currently available, and second, small variations in affinity measurements are difficult to resolve given the inevitable methodological differences between individual laboratories. To address these issues a comprehensive panel of TCRs was investigated here (Table 1) and their affinities determined using identical methodology and equipment. The peptide antigens investigated were limited to those presented by HLA-A2, to prevent any influence from variations in CD8 coreceptor affinity between different HLA types. TCR genes were isolated from blood samples, and expressed and prepared as soluble TCRs from https://www.selleckchem.com/products/Y-27632.html Escherichia coli as described in Materials and methods. Binding of the 24 TCRs to their specific pHLA-A2 complexes (10 VAs and 14 TAPAs)

was analyzed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) at 25°C. The affinities, in terms of dissociation constants, (KD) and the dissociation rate constants (koff) were determined (Table 1). The half-lives (t1/2) and association rate constants (kon) were subsequently

calculated from the measured values (Table 1). Due to the limitations of SPR resolution (t1/2 = 0.5 s), dissociation rate constants Inositol monophosphatase 1 could not be determined for a number of TAPA-specific TCRs that have particularly fast off-rates. Representative-binding data for high, intermediate, and low affinity TCRs are shown in Supporting Information Fig. 1. A clear pattern was observed in TCR-binding parameters correlating with the origin of the target peptide. TCRs recognizing VAs (such as those derived from HIV and influenza) exhibited relatively high affinity with KD values, between 0.18 and 25 μM (mean = 8.2 μM) while the affinity of TCRs for TAPAs ranged from 11 to 387 μM (mean = 96.6 μM). The half-lives were, in general, longer for the VA-specific TCRs (mean = 6.8 s) than for the TAPA-specific TCRs (mean = <1.8 s). These data are presented graphically in Figure 1. This represents comprehensive, single-study evidence for a variation in binding parameters between human TCRs recognizing VA and TAPA pHLAs. Where available, we find no substantial differences between the biophysical data presented here and that reported in the literature. Since each isolated TCR represents one random selection event (with the possibility of higher or lower-affinity TCRs for the same antigen being present in other donors), it was fundamental to investigate a large number of responses.

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