Therefore, there is a greater chance of bias in these trials, and

Therefore, there is a greater chance of bias in these trials, and thus a note of caution in interpretation, as these findings may be related to suboptimal trial conduct. An additional Selleckchem R788 important finding from this review is the observation that the risk of ESKD is significantly reduced with antioxidant therapy. It has been suggested that anti-inflammatory and antioxidant interventions may provide renal benefits in patients with CKD. This effect is further supported by the overall reduction in serum creatinine levels observed in people receiving antioxidant therapy. The available data suggest that these kidney

function benefits of antioxidant therapy may translate into long-term benefits for major kidney outcomes. There was no clear evidence of harm observed among the trials of antioxidants in CKD patients; however, assessment was limited by a lack of consistent reporting or standardized outcomes by the included trials. Taken together, these findings provide a strong rationale for new properly powered trials to be conducted

in the CKD population, particularly in individuals with more advanced kidney dysfunction as there is evidence to suggest greater benefit from antioxidant Metformin therapy in this group. Such trials are needed to confirm if antioxidant therapy could confer both renal and cardiovascular benefits in people with CKD. “
“ADDITIONAL MEETINGS TO BE HELD AT THE ANZSN ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING 2014 Saturday 23 August 2014 Sunday 24 August 2014 Monday 25 August 2014 Tuesday 26 August 2014 Nephrology and Transplantation Update Course 0830–1645 Meeting Room 213 Nephrology and Transplantation Update Course 0830–1645 Meeting Room 105 (RACP Advanced Trainees meeting in lunch break) AKTN Breakfast Meeting 0715–0815 Meeting Room 104 Renal Dietitian’s Symposium 0930–1615 Meeting Room 104 Renal Scientist’s Workshop 1330–1530 Meeting Room 107 ANZ Paediatric Nephrology Association 1300–1400 Meeting Room 102 Renal Scientist’s Workshop 1100–1130 Meeting Room 205 ANZSN Council Meeting 0900–1700 Meeting Room 101 “
“Central vein catheters are often used in hemodialysis

Florfenicol patients to gain vascular access when the artero-venous or prosthetic fistula becomes unavailable. Catheter insertion and maintenance, while routine, can result in complications of varying severity that include pneumothorax, arterial puncture, arrhythmias, line fracture, malposition, infection, thrombosis, and fibrin sheath formation.[1] Another type of rare complication associated with catheterization involves the fracture of the guide wire of the catheter.[2] We report here not only the fracture of the catheter guide wire during its insertion in the jugular vein but the absence of clinical signs or complications despite its migration in the right ventricle. A 70-year-old women under chronic hemodialysis presented with thrombosis of her artero-venous fistula used for vascular access.

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