33 Smad3 plays an essential

role in TGF-β1-induced EMT 34

33 Smad3 plays an essential

role in TGF-β1-induced EMT.34 Evidence of renal EMT has been obtained by numerous independent studies in different animal models of chronic renal disease and also in human kidney biopsies.35–38 The inverse correlation between increasing numbers of tubular epithelial cells undergoing EMT and decline of excretory renal function suggests a pathological role of EMT in the progression of renal fibrosis.39,40 The observation that reversal of EMT improved renal function and decreased mortality in a mouse model with nephrotoxic serum nephritis further confirmed the importance of EMT in the progression of chronic renal disease.34 Advanced glycation end-product (AGE)-induced EMT has been implicated in the pathogenesis of DN.41 TGF-β1, AGE, high glucose,42 angiotensin II43 and oxidative stress44 are also key EMT inducers, shown to be involved in the development and progression of diabetic renal see more fibrosis. Endothelium is a simple squamous epithelium, a specialized type of epithelial tissue. www.selleckchem.com/products/bmn-673.html Thus, EndoMT can be considered to be a specific form of EMT. EndoMT is an essential mechanism in cardiac development.45 During heart valve formation, a subset of EC overlying the future valve site delaminate, differentiate into mesenchymal cells and migrate into the cardiac jelly to form cardiac cushions, a process

referred to as endothelial-mesenchymal transition.46 Disruption of Notch signalling results in failure of EndoMT, revealing an essential role for notch in the control of endocardial cushion EndoMT.47,48 Evidence that wnt/β-catenin signalling was restricted to a subset of mesenchymal cells in endocardial cushions in the developing mouse heart49 and that antagonism of wnt/β-catenin signalling in zebrafish embryos inhibited cardiac cushion EndoMT suggested wnt/β-catenin signalling may activate expression of genes crucial for EndoMT.49β-catenin also acts as a structural link between actin and Vascular Endothelial Cadherin

(VE-cadherin) to form the cell–cell adherens junction necessary for polarity of EC.50 Bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4 (BMP-2 and 4), TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 are required for initiation 5-Fluoracil and completion of EndoMT.46 The role of TGF-β and BMP signalling pathways in endocardial cushion EndoMT has been thoroughly studied.51,52 Recent studies have demonstrated that EndoMT contributes to the development of tissue fibrosis. Zeisberg et al.53 used Tie1Cre; R26RstoplacZ mice to track cells of endothelial origin, and placed aortic bands on the hearts of mice to induce cardiac fibrosis. They showed that EC undergo EndoMT during cardiac fibrosis and contribute to the total pool of cardiac fibroblasts. In addition, they showed that TGF-β1 induced EndoMT, whereas BMP7 abrogated EndoMT, preserved the endothelial phenotype and reversed or prevented TGF-β1-induced EndoMT and cardiac fibrosis.

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