Radiat Res 165:598–607CrossRef White IR, Pickford R, Wood J, Skeh

Radiat Res 165:598–607CrossRef White IR, Pickford R, Wood J, Skehel JM, Gangadharan B, Cutler P (2004) A statistical comparison of silver and SYPRO Ruby staining for proteomic analysis. Electrophoresis 25:3048–3054CrossRef Yilmaz F, Dasdag S, Akdag MZ, Kilinc N (2008) Whole-body exposure of radiation PD-0332991 price emitted from 900 MHz mobile phones does not seem to affect the levels of anti-apoptotic bcl-2 protein. Electromagn Biol Med 27:65–72CrossRef”
“The symposium provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the recent advances in biomonitoring and to consider the role of biomonitoring in chemical management, both today and in the future.

See further www.​ttl.​fi/​isbm2010. Key speakers of the Symposium selleck include Director General Christopher Wild from IARC, and also the European Chemicals Agency is represented. As a part of the symposium, the Nordic Institute for Advanced Training in Occupational Health (NIVA) will

organise a workshop on Biomonitoring in Occupational Health Practice. See further http://​www.​niva.​org/​courses/​6008.​htm. If you are interested in late submission of abstract, please contact [email protected]. Main topics Biomarkers of exposure, effects and susceptibility Biomonitoring in environmental exposure assessment and population surveys Biomonitoring and susceptible populations Modelling as a tool in biomonitoring New exposures and new biomonitoring techniques Quality Assurance Advances and new challenges in metal biomonitoring Advances and new challenges in biomonitoring of organic industrial chemicals and pesticides Biomonitoring in risk assessment and management of chemicals NIVA workshop: Biomonitoring in Occupational Health Practice. The use of industrial hygiene and biomonitoring in risk assessment Analytical methods for biomonitoring—basic techniques, problems and solutions Exposure to metals at work Exposure to organic chemicals and pesticides at work Welcome!”
“Introduction Retirement

and age at retirement have been the subject of many political, social and medical discussions over the years. The increase in the population of ageing people in developed countries has motivated national governments as well as the European Union to develop policies for encouraging the Amrubicin labour force participation of older workers and eliminating mandatory retirement (Cooke 2006). The trend towards earlier retirement has reversed, and growing numbers of employees are planning to work longer. In industrialized countries, the population above 50 years of age will grow considerably in the next years (Costa and Sartori 2007). For example in The Netherlands, the gross labour participating of older people (55–64 years) nearly doubled between 1996 and the first half of 2007, to more than 47% (Statistics Netherlands 2007).

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