Type II TA systems are typically two-gene operons with the antito

Type II TA systems are typically two-gene operons with the antitoxin encoded upstream of the toxin gene. The proteic antitoxins bind their cognate toxins and inhibit toxin activity. Antitoxins or

toxin-antitoxin complexes autorepress TA module transcription. Under stressful environmental conditions such as nutrient limitation, antibiotic therapy, or oxidative stress, TA modules are activated. The labile antitoxin is degraded by either the Lon or Clp proteases and the more stable toxin is freed to facilitate growth arrest. Many toxins are mRNA-specific RNases that rapidly inhibit protein synthesis, inducing a bacteriostatic state. Upon improved conditions (or removal of stress), antitoxin synthesis resumes to counteract toxin activity, and tmRNA activity rescues ribosomes KPT-330 arrested on toxin-cleaved messages [21, 22]. Virulence-associated protein (vap) genes, first identified in pathogenic strains of the Gram-negative, strict click here anaerobe

Dichelobacter nodosus, are found as transmissible genetic elements for the transfer of virulence determinants [23]. The vap genes are recognized as a part of pathogenicity islands (PAI), a group of laterally-transferred genes in the bacterial genome, which help the organism explore and adapt to new ecological niches [24, 25]. Four vap operons, toxAvapA, vapBC-1, vapBC-2, and vapXD have been identified in the genomes of numerous NTHi strains, including Rd KW20 [26], R2866 [27], and 86-028NP [28]. mTOR inhibitor All vap operons display the characteristic features of type II TA modules, and vapBC-1 and vapXD have been shown to act as TA loci in NTHi [29, 30]. During recurrent and chronic otitis media, NTHi are exposed to hostile conditions such as antibiotic treatment, host immune responses, and nutrient deprivation. It is thought that a subpopulation of NTHi can resume the infection after cessation of these stressors, resulting

in a persistent infection. Although TA modules function to allow bacterial adaptation to environmental stresses, the pathogenic roles of the NTHi vapBC-1 and vapXD operons have not been elucidated in otitis media. It has been shown that the protein products of canonical type II TA loci interact to form protein complexes that autoregulate their cognate promoters [22]. Accordingly, we examined the heterodimerization characteristics of the VapB-1 antitoxin with the VapC-1 toxin, as well as interactions of the antitoxin VapX with the toxin VapD. We then constructed vapBC-1, vapXD, and vapBC-1 vapXD double deletion mutants in strain 86-028NP. The survival properties of these mutants were compared to the wild type parent strain during long-term infections of a primary human respiratory epithelial tissue at the air-liquid interface (ALI), the EpiAirway™ tissue.

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