Complete hybridization profiles for the individual strains can be provided on request. Clonal Complex 1 CC1 contains five strains including the PVL positive Bengal Bay clone (ST772 [a single locus variant slv of ST1]-V [5C2]/t3387). This strain is epidemiologically linked to a healthcare worker from India and is not considered a WA CA-MRSA. Based on the agr/capsule and SCCmec type, the remaining four strains are divided into two groups: Group 1 agr type III/capsule type 8 SCCmec IVa [2B] contains PVL negative WA1 (ST1/t127), WA45 (ST872 [slv of ST1]/t127), and WA57 (ST1005 [ST1 slv]/t127). WA1 and WA45 harbor a ccrA-1 and ccB-1 gene buy Opaganib complex and Q6GD50 (fusidic acid resistance marker) indicating the
presence of the mobile fusidic acid SCC element SCCfur. WA1 is known to carry multiple plasmids such as a 2-kb plasmid encoding resistance to erythromycin [29] and this presumably accounts for the differences in the antibiogram and resistance genotype for WA1, WA45 and WA57. In addition to enterotoxin genes the three strains harbor a type D immune evasion cluster [IEC] (seA+sak+scn) [30]. Group 2 agr type II/capsule type 5 SCCmec V [5C2] contains PVL negative WA10 (ST573 [ST1
slv]/t5073. WA10 carries several enterotoxin genes including the enterotoxin egc cluster [seG+seI+seM+seN+seO+seU/Y]). Unlike WA1, WA45 and WA57, WA10 does not carry the type D IEC, the pathogenicity Tamoxifen island harboring the leukocidin D/E component, the protease splA gene and the hsdS gene. The ssl/set genes and cell surface adhesions encoding Aldehyde dehydrogenase genes of WA10 are closely related to the Bengal Bay clone. Clonal Complex 5 CC5 contains 27 strains. Based on the agr/capsule type the isolates are divided into two groups which are further divided into subgroups based on the SCCmec type. Group 1 agr type I/capsule type 8 (2 strains) i. SCCmec IVa [2B] contains WA51 (ST6 [ST5 dlv]). The protein A variable region in WA51 could not be amplified and therefore a spa type cannot be allocated. ii. SCCmec IVa [2B]&5 contains WA66 (ST6/t701). WA51 and WA66
harbor a type D IEC Neither strain harbors the lukF-PV/lukS-PV PVL encoding genes. Group 2 agr type II/capsule type 5 (25 strains) Unlike Group 1 strains, these 25 strains harbour the enterotoxin egc cluster. Ten spa types were identified, of which nine are closely related: t002, t045, t071, t442, t688, t1265, t2666, t3378, t4065. i. SCCmec IVa [2B] contains WA3 (ST5/t002), WA64 (ST5/t3778), WA71 (ST5/t002), WA82 (ST5/t002), WA25 (ST575 [ST5slv]/t002), WA50 (ST73 [ST5slv]/t002) and WA65 (ST73/t002). PVL negative WA3, WA71, WA82, WA25, WA50 and WA65 harbor a type F IEC (seP+sak+chp+scn). PVL positive WA64 harbors a type A IEC (seA+sak+chp+scn). WA64 and WA65 also harbor edinA (epidermal cell differentiation inhibitor A gene). ii. SCCmec IVc [2B] contains PVL negative WA74 (ST5/t002) which harbors a type F IEC. iii.