AMIGO: Your friend in the Gene Ontology[http://​amigo ​geneontolo

AMIGO: Your friend in the Gene Ontology[http://​amigo.​geneontology.​org/​cgi-bin/​amigo/​go.​cgi] 21. Current Annotations[http://​www.​geneontology.​org/​GO.​current.​annotations.​shtml] 22. Meng S, Brown DE, Ebbole DJ, Torto-Alalibo TA, Oh YY, Deng J, Mitchell TK, Dean RA: Gene Ontology annotation of Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC Microbiology 2009,9(Suppl 1):S8.CrossRefPubMed 23. Plant-Associated

Microbe Gene Ontology[http://​pamgo.​vbi.​vt.​edu/​] Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests.”
“Effectors from diverse plant-associated symbionts Diverse organisms live in intimate association with plants, with the outcome of these associations dependent upon a complex interplay of gene products. Among the most significant of these are the effector proteins, defined as molecules deployed by symbiotic organisms that manipulate host cell structure and function, see more and thereby facilitate AP26113 price symbiont success [1]. In some cases, through the action of the host surveillance machinery, effectors trigger defense responses; in that context, effectors have historically been called avirulence factors or elicitors. In fact, the detection of effectors by the products of host resistance (R) genes has been central to the identification of effectors in diverse symbionts (reviewed in [2, 3]). This particular review will focus

on properties of effector proteins that enter the host cytoplasm and the role that Gene Ontology (GO) can play in highlighting similarities and differences exhibited by effectors deployed buy BMN 673 by plant pathogens from diverse biological kingdoms. It is important to note that while this review focuses on organisms living in a pathogenic relationship with the host plant, there are many associations that cannot readily be identified as beneficial or antagonistic to the host because the outcome depends on the context in which it occurs. For example, while some rhizobacteria are pathogenic, their

colonization of plant roots can also play a beneficial role by priming plant defense responses, thus making the plant more resistant to infection by unrelated pathogens. As a result, the term “”symbiont”" is used by the GO and in this review to describe organisms living in intimate association with a larger 4-Aminobutyrate aminotransferase host organism, irrespective of whether the association may be beneficial or antagonistic. The Gene Ontology Consortium (GOC) strongly discourages the use of the word symbiosis as a synonym for mutualism. Symbionts may be microbes (for example bacteria, fungi or oomycetes) or they may be more complex multicellular organisms such as nematodes, insects or parasitic plants. Many gram-negative bacterial symbionts, including mutualists of the genus Rhizobium and pseudomonad and xanthomonad pathogens, utilize a molecular needle created by the type III or type IV secretion systems to deliver effectors into the host cell (reviewed in [4–6]). Most progress in effector characterization has been made with the gram-negative bacterial pathogens.

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