J Biotechnol 2003, 106:135–146 PubMedCrossRef 61 Sinorhizobium m

J Biotechnol 2003, 106:135–146.PubMedCrossRef 61. Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 Sm14kOLI [http://​www.​cebitec.​Batimastat molecular weight uni-bielefeld.​de/​transcriptomics/​transcriptomics-facility/​sm14koli.​html] 62. Sturn A, Quackenbush J, Trajanoski Z: Genesis: cluster analysis of microarray data. Bioinformatics 2002, 18:207–208.PubMedCrossRef 63. EMMA server [http://​www.​cebitec.​uni-bielefeld.​de/​groups/​brf/​software/​emma_​info/​] 64. Meade HM, Long SR,

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Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1990, 87:4645–4649.PubMedCrossRef Authors’ contributions DKCL carried out the molecular genetic studies, the statistical analysis and wrote the manuscript. SW and AP participated in the design of the study, revised it critically for important intellectual content and have given final approval of the version to be published.”
“Background Fur (Ferric uptake regulator) is a global transcription factor that regulates a diversity of biological processes such as iron homeostasis, TCA cycle metabolism, acid resistance, oxidative stress response, chemotaxis and Autophagy inhibitor pathogenesis (reviewed in [1]). The active, DNA-binding form of this regulator is as a Fur homodimer complexed with ferrous iron. The DNA target recognized by Fe2+-Fur is a 19-bp inverted repeat sequence called a “”Fur box”" (GATAATGATAATCATTATC) [2]. The binding of Fe2+-Fur to a “”Fur box”" in the promoter regions of target genes effectively prevents the recruitment of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme, and thus represses

transcription [3, 4]. Although Fur typically acts as a transcriptional repressor, it also appears to positively regulate certain genes in E. coli [5, 6]. This paradox was understood only recently, with the discovery of a 90-nt small RNA named RyhB [7]. RyhB negatively regulates a number of target genes by base pairing with their mRNAs and recruiting before RNaseE, thus causing degradation of the mRNAs [7, 8]. The ryhB gene itself is repressed by Fur via a “”Fur box”" in its promoter; thus, Fur repression of the negative regulator RyhB manifests as indirect positive regulation by Fur. The targets of RyhB include genes encoding iron-storage protein (Bfr) and enzymes of the TCA cycle (SdhABCD and AcnA) and oxidative stress response (SodB) [7]. The RyhB-mediated regulation of TCA cycle genes explains the inability of E. coli fur mutants to grow on succinate or fumarate [9]. S. oneidensis is a γ-proteobacterium with a striking capacity to reduce organic compounds and heavy metals, making it a potential bioremediator of environmental contaminants. The S. oneidensis Fur exhibits clear homology to its E. coli ortholog (73% amino acid identity).

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