The % survival at 4 °C was 84 35% and at 37 °C was 33 98% In rea

The % survival at 4 °C was 84.35% and at 37 °C was 33.98%. In real-time stability, the lower

limits of CFU of these RRs are estimated from the expanded uncertainty (95% confidence) of this and previous collaborative studies on cultural viable count [10] and are 3.37, 29.60, 0.95 or 3.10 million per ampoule for Danish 1331, Tokyo 172-1, Russian BCG-I or Moreau-RJ, Nutlin 3a respectively. The trend of real time stability collected up to early 2014 is shown in Fig. 4. The current CFU results in 2014 of all four RRs are above the lower limits of the acceptable range, as 4.32, 36.56, 4.01 or 7.27 million per ampoule for Danish 1331, Tokyo 172-1, Russian BCG-I or Moreau-RJ, respectively. As in a previous collaborative study, two methodologies (cultural viable count and modified ATP assays) were used to assess the content of the BCG Moreau-RJ Reference Reagent preparation. The results estimated that there are 6.51 million CFU per ampoule with a SD of 0.72; and 24.69 ng ATP per ampoule

with a SD of 7.41 for this preparation. There was a broad distribution of the mean CFU results received from all participants (Fig. 1). The expanded uncertainty (95% confidence) for this preparation is 3.10–9.92 million. The cultural viable count CFU results of lyophilized BCG preparations are usually variable and the data from this study are expected, especially participants’ own in-house routine cultural viable count assay with different solid media and culturing methodologies were used. The CV in each participating laboratory also had a wide range from 7.6% to 46.2% (Table 1). There were large differences in the distribution of the mean ATP (ng) content obtained from all participants as shown in Table 2. The expanded uncertainty (95% confidence)

for this preparation is 1.67–47.71 ng/ampoule. The CV in each participating laboratory ranged from 16.6% to 37.7%. This high variability of the modified ATP results was similar to the previous study [10]. The dilution effect of samples gave inconsistent results leading to only the ATP contents from neat reconstituted samples being used in the estimation of the mean ATP content in this BCG preparation. The results of CFU and ATP content were compared directly. This collaborative study clearly demonstrated that the modified ATP assay was not an improved method in terms of providing more consistent estimation of the viability no in a lyophilized BCG preparation when compared with the cultural viable count assay. Some of the participating laboratories have limited experience in performing this ATP assay and this may, in part, contribute to the high variability of the results. However, this assay remains a rapid method for estimating the viability of lyophilized BCG preparations and has been validated for quality control testing in one of the participating laboratories [6]. There was good agreement of results for the mPCR assay for identification of this BCG sub-strain.

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