DALYs were calculated for each country separately using a disease

DALYs were calculated for each country separately using a disease natural history model with a single input parameter (annual measles incidence, adjusted for under-estimation) and the “BCoDE toolkit” software application was used to compute estimated DALYs according to country-specific and year-specific population age-distributions (data retrieved Dasatinib cell line from Eurostat) [31]. The measles disease model was created from the information collected through an extensive literature review and via consultation with measles experts, by linking the incidence of measles to all possible sequelae (health outcomes) through a disease progression model, or outcome tree.

Health outcomes were considered part of the outcome tree if there was evidence of a causal relationship between measles and

http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Lapatinib-Ditosylate.html the health outcome (Fig. 1). In the disease burden calculations, years of life lost (YLL) were estimated using the Standard Expected Years of Life Lost (SEYLL) based on the highest observed life expectancy, which is that of the Japanese population. The Japanase population has been commonly used as a standard population in DALYs calculations since it has the longest life expectancy, so that in principle every human being can be expected to live at least as long [32], [33], [34], [35] and [36]. Data on mortality were embedded into the model and were taken from both national Sclareol sources and Eurostat [31]. Severity weights (i.e., disability weights) for non-fatal health outcomes were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study [2] and [5]. In conditions for which no weights existed, weights were adapted from existing GBD severity weights for similar conditions. Transition probabilities and mean duration of each health outcome were derived from the literature review. Time discounting and age-weighting were not applied in the base case analysis. The modeling approach applied assumed a steady-state and is therefore not suitable

for forecasting of burden. Information on gender was not provided, so cases were distributed evenly between males and females in each age group. Cases (<1%) for which information on age was missing were not included in the analysis. Our dataset consists of time-series cross-sectional data [28], and therefore appropriate methods are required given the non-independence of observations. We used log-linear mixed-effect regression modeling approach to investigate a linear relation between natural logarithm-transformed outcome and predictor variables. The outcome variable was burden (in DALYs per 100,000 persons, transformed using log(DALYs + 1)), and the primary predictor variable was vaccination coverage (coded as a percentage).

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