However, genomic sequence information can be interpreted as biolo

However, genomic sequence information can be interpreted as biological instructions and executed as a genetic codescript only by a suitably prepared cell

with which the program is in proper registration. We enquire into the character of the evolutionary process that generates physical systems capable of interpreting, in increasingly elaborate ways, the genetic information they contain. The principle of Informed Generation specifies the need for the spontaneous emergence and evolutionary development of self-organizing processes that generate phenotypes from genotypes. The principle of Informed Generation describes a ubiquitous feature of biological systems: without the prior existence of certain LXH254 components or functionalities, which are required for the production of themselves and others, no configuration of genetic information that accumulated through Natural Selection could ever serve as a codescript for an organism. The operation of Informed Generation is demonstrated in the stepwise evolution of genetic coding and the general distinction between Natural

Selection and Informed Generation is illustrated through consideration G418 molecular weight of gene-replicase-translatase (GRT) system. It is proposed that Informed Generation represents a quite general process of evolutionary self-organization in biological systems whereby essentially irreversible transitions in the systems’ dynamics take them to historically contingent, isolated states whose characteristics are determinants of biological specificity. The operation of Informed Generation may have left detectable traces in topographical features of

complex intracellular and ecological networks. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“We present a framework for modeling biological pumping organs based on coupled spiral elastic band geometries and active wave-propagating excitation mechanisms. Two pumping mechanisms are considered in detail by way of example: one of a simple tube, which represents a embryonic fish heart and another more complicated PDK4 structure with the potential to model the adult human heart. Through finite element modeling different elastic contractions are induced in the band. For each version the pumping efficiency is measured and the dynamics are evaluated. We show that by combining helical shapes of muscle bands with a contraction wave it is possible not only to achieve efficient pumping, but also to create desired dynamics of the structure. As a result we match the function of the model pumps and their dynamics to physiological observations. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“A mathematical model describing the uptake of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles by a single hepatocyte cell is formulated and solved.

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