For formulation of polyherbal tablets, direct compression method2

For formulation of polyherbal tablets, direct compression method20 was selected because direct compression method is simplest means of production of a pharmaceutical tablet and high dose formulations.21 It requires only that the

active ingredient is properly blended with appropriate excipients before compression.22 Three key factors for successful tableting are flow and compactability of the compression mix, and drug content uniformity in the mix and the final tablets.23 The biologically potent methanol extract was used for developing of herbal tablet formulation. All the selected herbal extracts showed dose dependent significant activity, hence equal proportions of extracts were used for the development of formulation. The plant extracts were mixed with super tab 11 SD, primojel, magnesium stearate and SCH 900776 molecular weight talc as excipients according Verteporfin solubility dmso to the formula [Table 6] and compressed into round shaped tablets each weighing 500 mg (Fig. 12) by using Remek 10 station automated punching machine and then subjected to various post compression parameters for evaluation. All the excipients are of pharmaceutical grade. Prior to the development of major dosage forms, it is essential that pertain fundamental physical and chemical properties

of the drug molecule and other divided properties of the drug powder are determined. This information decides many of the subsequent events and approaches in formulation development. This first phase is known as preformulation. All the extracts were characterized for their organoleptic properties, solubility,25 and 26 loss on drying,27 compatibility with excipients28 and micrometric properties like bulk density,29 carr’s index, hausner ratio and angle of repose30 and 31 according

to the prescribed standard procedures [Table 7]. The tablets prepared by direct compression method were subjected to various quality control tests (post compression parameters) such as general appearance like size, shape and thickness; organoleptic properties like color, odor and taste; uniformity of weight, hardness, friability and stability studies34 according Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase to the standard procedures. The data within the range of pharmacopeial specifications was shown [Table 9]. The methanolic extracts of B. laciniata, C. epithymum and D. ovatum were investigated for antioxidant property in comparison with the known antioxidant ascorbic acid following in vitro studies. The quantities of the extracts required for the in vitro inhibition of radical such as DPPH, superoxide and hydroxyl were compared to the known antioxidant ascorbic acid. All the extracts showed dose dependent scavenging activity. The standard drug ascorbic acid also showed similar dose dependent activity and produced maximum scavenging activity at a dose of 360 μg [ Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3].

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