In the task design in Nicolle et al (2012), subjects made a choi

In the task design in Nicolle et al. (2012), subjects made a choice on each trial between receiving a small monetary prize that would be delivered following a short delay or a larger prize that would be received following a longer delay, with the magnitudes and delays varying across trials. Crucially,

trials differed in that on some, the subject chose between the prizes based on their own preferences, while on others they made choices on behalf of a partner, whose preferences they had learned in a training session before beginning the task. Subjects were paired with partners whose preferences for the balance between prize magnitude and delay were dissimilar to their own, which enabled

ABT-263 cost the authors to determine that subjects were truly making choices for their partner based on the partner’s preferences. The authors Selleckchem NSC 683864 used the choices made by each of the subjects during the task to fit a temporal discounting model, which allowed them to estimate for each trial both the valuations subjects held for the prizes (“self values”) and the valuations for the prizes the subject ascribed to their partner (“partner values”). The sets of choices presented to the subjects were constructed such that the correlation between the self and partner values of the available prizes were minimized, allowing the authors to separately examine Urease the neural correlates of each. The time series of the self and partner values were regressed against fMRI data that were acquired while the subjects made their choices in order to test

for regions with corresponding response profiles. Accumulating evidence suggests that the vmPFC plays a key role in “model-based” reinforcement learning, in which the value of decision options is computed with reference to a rich internal model of the states of the decision problem and the reward values of these states (or “state space”) (Hampton et al., 2006; Daw et al., 2011). Accordingly, the value of options can be updated instantaneously in a model-based framework based on knowledge about changes in the structure of the world, such as, for example, a change in the subjective value of the goal state (Valentin et al., 2007), or a change in the transitions between states reached following specific actions (Hampton et al., 2006). Here, Nicolle et al. (2012) found that, when participants were asked to choose for themselves, activity in vmPFC reflected valuation signals corresponding to the relative values assigned to the options based on their own subjective preferences, consistent with the findings of a number of previous studies (Boorman et al., 2009; FitzGerald et al., 2009).

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