Here, we briefly outline three areas where rapid progress can be

Here, we briefly outline three areas where rapid progress can be expected. The subsistence and migration Ipilimumab price of humans and their cultures is fundamental to understanding the interdependence between people, their environments and climatic conditions, and yet this is hampered by the scarcity of archaeological sites that can be dated precisely. Fig. 2 illustrates the expansion of farming through Europe, but the reasons, particularly climatic or environmental factors, remain poorly understood. Prehistoric sites with human

remains are known from the Palaeolithic, during which arctic species such as reindeer were amongst the main prey (Gaudzinski and Roebroeks, 2000). The emergence of farming is related to the northward retreat of arctic conditions at the end of the last glacial period and thus to climate on a supra-regional scale. There are indications that early Holocene climate fluctuations may have paced the migration of farming populations (Weninger et al., 2009, Gronenborn, 2010, Gronenborn, in press and Lemmen et al., 2011). However, the degree to which early farming populations caused measurable increases in greenhouse gases remains controversial (Kaplan et al., 2010, Ruddiman et

al., 2011 and Ruddiman, 2013). Food supplies have always played a central role in determining selleck inhibitor the migration and expansion of human populations in response to environmental and climate changes. Agricultural production of grains and the keeping of livestock gradually spread, leading to important societal changes and to new attitudes to the distribution of resources, stockpiling, territoriality and work distribution, resulting in the first major population increase in human history (Chamberlain, 2006 and Bocquet-Appel and Bar-Yosef, 2008). Increasing population density led to new forms of interdependence between humans and nature such as crop failures and floods,

which frequently ended in food shortages. Further technological innovations allowed Amylase further increases in population, which increased the risk of subsistence crises. For a great proportion of their history, humans have been immediately dependent on their environment in terms of plants, animals and water supply. Changes in diet can be reconstructed using skeletal remains as a dietary archive and analyzing radiogenic and stable isotopes, trace elements, and ancient DNA (Evans et al., 2006, Haak et al., 2008 and Mannino et al., 2011). Radiogenic isotope systems are important in ascertaining the age, migration, geological substrate and diagenesis of bones and thus the relative importance of dietary and environmental factors.

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