We assume the following scenarios: Scenario 0 ‘average conditions

We assume the following scenarios: Scenario 0 ‘average conditions’: The total number of E. coli bacteria in treated discharge of sewage treatment plants is usually between 103–104 cfu per 100 ml (e.g. The central sewage treatment plant Zdroje has a sewage water discharge of 18 000 m3 per day. Common background concentrations of 10 E. coli per 100 ml (pers. com. IMGW) are assumed in the river. Based on long-term discharge

data for the Odra river (time series of 1912–2003) the summer average summerly river discharge is 414 m3s-1. Altogether the total daily E. coli emission is 5*1012. ERK inhibitor We assume a mortality rate of 0.019 h−1 (T90 = 54.1 h) for E. coli ( Easton et al., 2005). Scenario 1 ‘river flood’: Heavy rain events in the river basin with subsequent increased river discharge and increased E. coli concentrations in the river because of wash off from land surfaces in the catchment. A discharge of 2 100 m3s-1 is assumed. During the Odra flood in summer 1997 the summer maximum discharge was 2 600 m3s-1. The mortality is similar to the previous scenario. Then total

daily E. coli emissions of 2*1013 are more than four times higher compared to scenario 0. Scenario 2 ‘local heavy rain’: Heavy local rains around the lagoon cause increased diffuse emissions from municipal sewage Epigenetics inhibitor treatment plants, small point discharges (brooks, drainage pipes) and diffuse run-off from agricultural land. According to the observations of 5FU Scopel et al. (2006), it is assumed that 1.5*1013E. coli bacteria per day are emitted equally along the entire Odra river mouth coast. Additionally the emission of Szenario 0 is taken into account, so that we end up with the same total emission like in szenario 1. The mortality for E. coli is similar to the previous scenarios. Scenario 3 ‘warming’: Climate change causes a summerly

water temperature increase of 3 °C with negative effects on bacteria survival. Mortality rates of = 0.019 h−1 (T90 = 54.1 h) for E. coli and 0.014 h−1 (T90 = 71.6 h) for Enterococci are derived from experiments of Easton et al. (2005). For a warmer climate (23 °C) die-off rates of 0.021 h−1 (T90 = 47.7 h) for E. coli and 0.015 h−1 (T90 = 66.9 h) for Enterococci are used according to Easton et al. (2005). Because of lacking information about potentially realistic emissions of Enterococci, the results are presented in simulation particle numbers and are not re-calculated into Enterococci densities. In the present situation E. coli transport with the Odra river and emissions in Szczecin cause high concentrations at beaches in lake Dabie, with a high likelihood that bathing water quality thresholds are exceeded ( Fig. 3a). This is confirmed by data and lead to a permanent closing of beaches near to the city of Szczecin. Scenario 0 results for the beach in Dabie (observed compared to model simulation) can be regarded as a model validation and confirms that the assumptions and transport pattern are realistic.

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