1c) (Abram & Davis, 1970) In contrast to control strains, the su

1c) (Abram & Davis, 1970). In contrast to control strains, the surfaces of the ccrp∷Kn strain are severely creased and turned inwards, creating deep indentations at both poles in 29% of the cells (n=191), a feature not seen either by light microscopy or by cryoelectron microscopy (Fig. 1c). That this denting and deformation did not have an effect on cell viability was shown by the wild-type predatory rates of the ccrp∷Kn strain (measured by microscopic observation of the rates of E. coli Venetoclax supplier prey bdelloplast formation and lysis and by the rate of OD600 nm decline of prey E. coli cells), its long-term survival at

levels comparable to the wild type in buffer alone and its short-term survival during treatment with up to 0.1% glycerol, which was used to try to provide an osmotic challenge to the cells in case their response was altered (data not shown). The cell deformations described here are consistent with the work published on the IF-like protein FilP in S. coelicolor, which shows that CCRP proteins can act as an underlying protein scaffold contributing to cell rigidity, previously thought to be a function of the cell wall and turgor pressure (Bagchi, 2008). Interestingly, the homology between Ccrp and FilP, mentioned in Identification of an IF-like protein in

B. bacteriovorus, selleck inhibitor although weak, does include a conserved AQVD motif seen in FilP at amino acids 19–22 and in B. bacteriovorus Ccrp at amino acids 33–36. This motif, along with other extra amino acids, is shared

by FilP family proteins, but not crescentin (Bagchi, 2008). Thus, Ccrp from B. bacteriovorus may have a more FilP-like nature than a crescentin-like nature. We showed previously that tagging of cellular proteins with a bright, monomeric, fluorescent protein, mTFP, in B. bacteriovorus 4��8C could be used to determine cellular address and function (Fenton et al., 2010; Ai, 2006). A C-terminal ccrp–mtfp fusion was cloned and recombined, on several separate occasions, into the B. bacteriovorus genome using the methods described previously (Fenton et al., 2010). In contrast to reports on crescentin in C. crescentus, the Ccrp–mTFP fusion protein appeared to be fully functional, as the crushing and denting phenotypes revealed under negative staining of ccrp-deletion strains were never observed (data not shown) (Ausmees et al., 2003). The fluorescent Ccrp–mTFP signal in attack-phase B. bacteriovorus cells was generally evenly distributed, but showed a bias towards the cell poles (Fig. 1d). In only some cells could fainter more peripherally located thread-like, fluorescent regions be observed (Fig. 1d, A and B). Partitioning of the signal could be observed in some cells where there was a clear fluorescent signal bias to either pole (Fig. 1d, C).

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