5‰ to +2.0‰ for most
tissues (Table 3), except those composed of keratin (e.g., fur, vibrissae), which range from +2‰ to +3‰. The only study of a wild marine mammal population found that mean Δ13Cvibrissae-diet values of California sea otters was 2.2‰ (Newsome et al., in review), within the range found for captive pinnipeds (Table 3). Unfortunately, there are no controlled studies in which collagen has been measured, so most workers assume a value of +5‰, as seen selleck chemical in other mammals and birds. Along with preferential routing of dietary components into different tissues, nutritional status and growth rate have been shown to affect tissue-to-diet isotope fractionation, particularly trophic 15N enrichment (Vanderklift and Ponsard 2003, Robbins et al. 2005). With the exception of sirenians, all marine mammals are carnivores that consume prey with a high nitrogen concentration; lipid-extracted marine mammal prey typically have atomic C/N ratios of 3–4. Because urea δ15N values can be up to 10‰ lower than serum (see review by Balter et al. 2006), theoretical considerations and empirical data suggest that a higher fractional
loss of nitrogen as urea—which typically correlates positively with both the rate of protein intake and the rate of urea loss—will lead to higher body δ15N values (reviewed and modeled by Martínez del Rio and Wolf Everolimus molecular weight 2005 and Martínez del Rio et al. 2009). Zhao et al. (2006) found that captive harbor seals fed a protein-rich diet of pollock had slightly higher Δ15N values (4.6‰vs. 3.9‰, Table 2) than animals that consumed a relatively protein-poor diet of herring. While subtle, this pattern agrees with findings on other taxa that show nitrogen isotope fractionation can be influenced by protein quantity. These findings suggest that trophic Δ15N values for sirenians—herbivores that consume low protein food—might be lower than the range seen in carnivorous marine mammal species. Different amino acids in a single tissue can vary in δ13C and δ15N values
by more than 15‰ (e.g., Hare et al. 1991). As different proteins MCE contain distinct proportions of amino acids, differences in the protein composition among tissue types can yield dissimilar isotopic compositions irrespective of changes in diet. For example, Kurle (2002) found differences in the 15N-enrichment of various tissues relative to the diet of captive northern fur seals that were fed a strict diet of known isotopic composition. Red blood cells had δ15N values approximately 4.1‰ higher than diet, whereas plasma and serum were enriched by approximately 5.2‰ relative to diet. This discrepancy in trophic discrimination among tissue types was interpreted as a consequence of differences in amino acid composition between these tissues. Stegall et al.