As stated above, the biological model in BO2 is the


As stated above, the biological model in BO2 is the

same as in the complete model BO1. In addition to the prescribed mixed layer variation the biological model is forced by temperature time series from BO1 and incoming shortwave radiation that drives phytoplankton growth but does not affect mixing. The shortwave radiation for BO2 is based on daily integrated values from the NCEP data set (see above), interpolated to the horizontal position of the station under consideration. These daily values do not include a diurnal cycle, while ROMS imposes a diurnal cycle internally within its biological module by redistributing the daily integral of incoming solar radiation according to the theoretical diurnal cycle determined by astronomical formulae. The time step BGJ398 purchase of the ROMS model is about a minute, which ensures that the diurnal cycle is resolved very well in BO1. BO2 has a time step of six hours, which is insufficient to resolve the diurnal variations. In an attempt to capture the main features of the diurnal cycle in BO2 we simply designated two time steps as night (setting incoming solar radiation to zero) and distributed the daily-integrated solar radiation equally over the other two time steps (designated as day). This ensures that BO2 receives the same daily integral of solar radiation as BO1. The biological variables of BO2 are integrated forward in discrete time by first applying the vertical mixing

step (Crank–Nicolson scheme) and then a biological update step (Euler forward scheme). BO2 was integrated for 15 years and had reached a Seliciclib datasheet periodic steady state by the end of the run. The final year is shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 for Stations 1 and 2, respectively. There are clearly significant differences between the last year of BO2 and the observations from BO1: at Station 1 the nitrate concentration at depth is too high; at both stations the zooplankton concentration is too low; the peak phytoplankton concentration during the spring bloom is too low,

particularly at Station 1; at both aminophylline stations the concentration of detritus is too low. Thus, BO2 is a biased model and represents a good test case for assessing the effects of different nudging schemes. We now nudge the simplified model using the climatology consisting only of the mean and annual cycle of BO1. Conventional and frequency dependent nudging were implemented in BO3 and BO4 using nudging coefficients γγ that have been normalized by the model time step. The nudging coefficient is therefore nondimensional and ranges between 0 (no nudging) and 1 (direct insertion of the climatology into the model). The frequency dependent nudging was implemented as in Eq. (6) except that (i) the model is now formulated in discrete time, and (ii) the nudging term added to the updated model state is of the form γ[(1-δ)〈cn-xn〉+δ(cn-xn)]γ[(1-δ)〈cn-xn〉+δ(cn-xn)] where cn-xncn-xn is the difference between the climatology and updated model state at time n  .

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