Both researchers (CS, SM) kept a journal of critical reflections

Both researchers (CS, SM) kept a journal of critical reflections and discussed findings with other team members. They also undertook a process of critical reflection of the literature, which provided

researcher triangulation and confirmation of broader generalisability of key issues identified (Mudge et al 2013, Neergaard et al 2009). Five pairs of physiotherapists and patients were recruited. Of the five patients there was a range of ages (20–80 yr), two men and three women, and diagnoses encompassed stroke (n = 2), spinal cord injury (n = 2), and cerebral palsy. Two of the patients self-identified as MÐori (the indigenous population of New Zealand). The physiotherapists were all female, aged between 25 and 45 years, New Zealand European,

and had between 5 and 16 years of experience working in neurological rehabilitation. This lack of ethnic diversity in the physiotherapists reflects the demographic make-up of the physiotherapy profession check details in New Zealand. Three of the five physiotherapists had completed postgraduate qualifications in rehabilitation. The types of behaviour change techniques used in the activity coaching sessions are described in Box 3. The techniques were focused on practical steps such as goal setting and negotiation, goal pursuit, feedback and encouragement. Technique type Technique description Example of usage Goal setting and negotiation Goal setting (behaviour): The person is encouraged to make a behavioural resolution or intention. I will walk more next week. Action planning: The person is supported to develop click here detailed planning of what they will do including, as a minimum, when, in which situation and/or where Histone demethylase to act. ‘When’ may describe frequency (such as how many times a day/week or duration (eg, for how long). I will walk outside around the block on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays for half an hour at 7:00 am before breakfast. Barrier identification/problem solving: The person is prompted to think about

potential barriers and identify the ways of overcoming them. Things that might get in the way of carrying out my plan may be if I sleep in because I have a bad night, or I don’t feel very motivated. I could overcome this if I had another time to walk or could tell myself something encouraging. Goal pursuit Provide feedback on performance: The person is provided with data about their own recorded behaviour. The physiotherapist records walking endurance using the 6-min walk test and says ‘Your test shows a 10% improvement in how far you can walk compared to last week.’ Prompt review of behavioural goals: The physiotherapist provides a review or analysis of the extent to which previously set behavioural goals (eg, walk more outside) were achieved. Last week you said you wanted to walk for half an hour 3 times a week. How often are you managing to walk outside? Provide general encouragement: The physiotherapist provides praise or rewards for steps toward achieving behaviour or achieving behaviour.

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