CD103+ DCs display an enhanced capacity to produce RA [26], high

CD103+ DCs display an enhanced capacity to produce RA [26], high expression of IDO [27], thymic stromal lymphopoietin- [28] and β8-integrin-mediated activation of TGF-β [29]. Thus LP-derived DCs in the mLNs through various mechanisms support the efficient conversion of conventional T cells into iTreg cells. Besides their ability to foster iTreg-cell generation, intestinal CD103+ DCs are imprinted with an enhanced capacity to induce the gut-homing molecules β7-integrin and CCR9 in activated T cells

[25, 26]. Yet, in vivo induction of gut-homing potential in such cells required additional factors that were provided by nonhematopoietic stroma cells [30]. We observed that BM-derived DCs fail to support gut-homing molecule induction in vitro, but can do so in vivo when injected into mLN afferent lymphatics. Conversely, Selleck HKI 272 endogenous LP-derived Selleckchem ITF2357 DCs failed to induce gut-homing molecules in lymph node grafts of peripheral origin [30]. This indicates that in vivo non-DC-dependent factors contribute to the quality of the T-cell response (reviewed in [31]). We may conclude that the microenvironment of mLNs and the unique properties of intestinal DCs synergize to enable the efficient generation of iTreg cells and a gut-homing signature on these cells. Despite the previous findings regarding the generation of iTreg cells in the mLNs, such iTreg-cell

generation still seems insufficient to generate intestinal tolerance. Instead, Aspartate we found that tolerance to the model antigen OVA requires gut homing of iTreg cells and a subsequent local modulation of the Treg cells in the LP [23] (Fig. 1; for a recent review on oral tolerance refer to

[32]). As described in “iTreg-cell generation in the mesenteric lymph nodes”, gut homing requires the β7-integrin, which binds to its ligand MadCAM-1 that is expressed by gut venules. Consistently, β7-integrin-deficient mice fail to generate tolerance to OVA and this defect can be rescued by the adoptive transfer of β7-competent OVA-specific T cells in WT but not MadCAM-1-deficient mice [23]. Within the gut LP, iTreg cells proliferate vigorously and macrophage-dependent signals enable a shift in the overall ratio of Foxp3+ to Foxp3− cells in favor of Treg cells. Thus the gut LP takes an active role in shaping the Treg-cell pool by expanding iTreg-cell populations, which also explains why the TCR repertoire of gut Treg cells differs from that of Treg cells of other origins. Notably, we observe Treg cells in the afferent lymph connecting the intestine to the mLNs, thus documenting that these cells can travel back to their place of birth (O. Pabst, unpublished observation). Interestingly, there is evidence that Treg-cell populations might be modulated in other tissues as well. In skin-draining LNs the frequency of skin-derived Treg cells increases after inflammation [33] and, in an allograft model, Treg-cell-mediated suppression requires the migration of Treg cells from the graft to the draining LNs [34].

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