For validation of the method, we test the performance of our trai

For validation of the method, we test the performance of our training approach on a reference dataset of kinematic variables of human walking motion and compare

it against the existing TRBM model and the Conditional RBM (CRBM) as a benchmark (Taylor et al., 2007). As an application of our model, we train the TRBM using temporal autoencoding on natural movie sequences and find that the neural elements develop dynamic RFs that INCB024360 price express smooth transitions, i.e. translations and rotations, of the static receptive field model. Our model neurons account for spatially and temporally sparse activities during stimulation with natural image sequences and we demonstrate this by simulation of neuronal spike train responses driven by the dynamic model responses. Our results propose how neural dynamic RFs may emerge naturally from smooth image sequences. We outline a novel method to learn temporal

and spatial structure from dynamic stimuli – in our case smooth image sequences – with artificial neural networks. The hidden units (neurons) of these generative models develop dynamic RFs that represent smooth temporal evolutions of static RF models that have been described previously for natural still images. When stimulated with natural movie sequences the model units are activated sparsely, both in space and time. A point process model translates the model’s unit activation into sparse neuronal spiking activity with few neurons being active at any given point in time and sparse single neuron firing patterns. We rely on the general model class of RBMs (see Section 4.1). The classic RBM is a two layer artificial neural network with a visible   and a hidden   layer used to learn representations of a dataset in an unsupervised fashion ( Fig. 1A). The units

(neurons) in the visible   and those in the hidden   layers are all-to-all connected Regorafenib via symmetric weights and there is no connectivity between neurons within the same layer. The input data, in our case natural images, activate the units of the visible   layer. This activity is then propagated to the hidden   layer where each neuron’s activity is determined by the input data and by the weights WW connecting the two layers. The weights define each hidden neuron’s filter properties or its RF, determining its preferred input. Whilst the RBM has been successfully used to model static data, it lacks in the ability to explicitly represent the temporal evolution of a continuous dataset. The CRBM (Fig. 1C) and TRBM (Fig. 1D) are both temporal extensions of the RBM model, allowing the hidden unit activations to be dependent on multiple samples of a sequential dataset. The models have a delay parameter which is used to determine how long the integration period on a continuous dataset is.

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