Fractions of expired gases were determined with a paramagnetic O2

Fractions of expired gases were determined with a paramagnetic O2 analyzer (Servomex, cell 1155B, Crowborough, England) and infrared CO2 analyzer (Normocap Datex). The analyzers were calibrated with mixed gases, the composition of which was determined using Scholander’s method [29]. Heart rate (HR) was recorded continuously by a radio telemetry HR monitor (S810, Polar®, Tampere, Finland). Individual maximal oxygen uptake ( ) was determined as previously described [30]. Experimental design The study was designed as a randomized double-blind cross-over placebo-controlled trial. The random allocation sequences were LY2835219 generated by

an automated system under the supervision of the committee of protection of human subjects. The codes were kept confidential until the end of the study when the randomisation code was broken. All the subjects and investigators were blind to the randomisation codes throughout the study. The experiment comprised two exercise protocols, each of them including two exercise tests performed in different conditions: i.e., with ingestion of the sports drink (SPD) or with a placebo (PLA) (see Protocols and Figure 1 for details). The two exercise tests in protocol 1 were completed in randomized order at least one week apart. At least one week following protocol 1, protocol 2 began. As for protocol 1, the exercise AZD8186 mw tests in protocol 2 were performed in randomized order at least

one week apart. Subjects were instructed to maintain their usual daily exercise activity and dietary intake (in particular, their caffeine intake) during the study but not to consume any solid or liquid nutrients with the exception of water for 2 h before each exercise session. All the exercises performed by any one subject were done

at the same time of the day. The subjects were instructed to replicate the same meal before each exercise session. Figure 1 Experimental design and diagram of flow of subjects through the study protocol. : oxygen consumption; RER: Respiratory Exchange Ratio; HR: heart PLEK2 rate; RPE: rate of perceived exertion. Protocol 1: Performance test Before the exercise, a 20 μL blood sample was collected from an earlobe for the assessment of resting blood glucose concentration. Then, in the 15 min preceding the test, the subjects drank 250 mL of one of the two drinks (PLA or SPD). Thereafter, the running test started by a gentle warm-up followed by a 2 hour all-out exercise trial. A beverage volume of 250 mL was provided every 15 min and drunk by the subjects within the next 15 min so that the total fluids ingested before and during the 2-hour exercise was 2 liters. The volume and kinetics of beverage ingestion was chosen to minimize dehydration [16] and gastrointestinal discomfort. The subjects ran without knowing their actual speed. An experimenter changed the velocity of the Selleckchem Bucladesine treadmill following each subject’s recommendations so that they could give their best performance during the 2-hour exercise.

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