In this study, the BED in the HART schedule applied was 5210.4 cGy (5760 cGy/36 fr/ 16 days). Only 7 out of 20 patients could be surgically treated, and pathological complete response was observed in 6. Also in two patients who are still alive without surgery, the tumor radiologically disappeared and no pathological sign of tumor was found in control biopsies, yielding a total local control rate of 40% for our study. In this study, CDDP and 5-FU were administered in doses that Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical were below the standard, which may account for the low rates of hematologic toxicity in our patients. Absence of skin and subcutaneous
reactions > Grade I could be explained by the use of 15 MV linear accelerator (LINAC) device and by the reduced skin dose due to multiple-area planning in the treatment. Twenty-five Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical percent of our
patients had Grade III nausea/vomiting and 50% had Grade III odynophagia, which occurred early in the course of chemoradiotherapy and resolved thereafter. In general, acute reactions were acceptable and allowed completion of the planned treatment without interruption. Overall, proportion of patients with Grade III or higher toxicity during subacute and late phases was 75%, with 4% having Grade V toxicity. Grade I Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and II lung toxicity occurred in 55% and 45% of the patients, respectively, with no patients experiencing lung toxicity higher than Grade III. In two-dimensional treatments, Radiation pneumonitis is the most feared complication and lung Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is the dose-limiting organ. In this regard, Lee et al. (18) reported on the MEK activity association between lower lung volume doses during concomitant chemoradiotherapy in esophageal cancer and postoperative pulmonary complications and observed lung toxicity in 11 of 61 patients (18%), 2 dying due to worsening pneumonia. In that study significant differences were observed if the percentage of lung volume receiving 1000 cGy is higher than 40% as compared to less
than 40% (35% vs. 8%, P=0.014) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and if the percentage of lung volume receiving 1500 cGy is higher than 30% as compared to less than 30% (33% vs. 10%, P=0.036). However, patients who received 2000 cGy in less or more than 20% of their lung volumes did not differ significantly with regard to toxicity all (32% vs. 10%, P=0.079). These data suggest that life-threatening pulmonary complications can be avoided by decreasing the radiation received by the lungs using 3-dimensional conformal RT and by reducing RT doses (1000-1500 cGy). Although in this study an effort was made to limit V20 doses below 27%, this was not possible in 9 patients (45%) due to tumor location and dimension (>5 cm). Of the 9 patients with a V20 greater than 27%, 5 are alive and disease-free, and 8 received three-field radiotherapy in a single phase or received three-field radiotherapy in both phases. In radiobiological studies, when the average duration of time between fractions was less than 4.