, J Immunother 31: 812–819, 2008) It has been shown in various

, J.Immunother. 31: 812–819, 2008). It has been shown in various systems that the efficacy of conventional therapeutic modalities can be increased by their combination with relevant immunostimulatory vaccines as well as by depletion of immunosuppressive immunocytes (Zitvogel et al., Nature Rev. Immunology, 8: 59–73, 2008). The aim of this communication is to demonstrate that depletion of immunoregulatory

immunocytes (T reg cells and immature myeloid cells) can enhance the efficacy of genetically (IL-12) modified cellular vaccines administered either alone or in combination with low doses of the cyclophosphamide derivative CBM-4A in the experimental model of HPV 16-induced murine tumours mimicking human HPV 16-associated neoplasms such as cervical carcinomas. click here The conclusion of this communication is that IL-12-producing cellular vaccines are good as adjuvant for

CBM-4A treatment, since they can enhance the curative effect of the cyclophosphamide derivative and repair the CBM-4A produced defects in the immunocyte cytotoxicity and proliferative responses. O45 Lymph Node Mimicry by Bafilomycin A1 cell line tumors Induces Immunological Tolerance Jacqueline Shields1, Iraklis Kourtis1, Alice Tomei1, Melody Swartz 1 1 Bioengineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland Tumor manipulation of the host immune response is critical for invasion and metastasis. Here we introduce a mechanism PRMT inhibitor by which tumors escape immune recognition by mimicking the natural tolerance-maintaining functions of the lymph node. We recently showed that some invasive human tumors secrete low levels of CCL21, which is known as a lymphoid chemokine because of its high expression in the lymph node and role in attracting antigen-presenting

cells and naïve T cells to the node for T cell education. Here, we engineered three variants of the murine B16 melanoma: CCL21 knockdown, CCL21 overexpressing, and control-transfected. We PtdIns(3,4)P2 found that control tumors – and CCL21-overexpressing but not knockdown variants – attracted lymphoid tissue inducers and developed lymphoid-like features including a reticular stromal network, complement-regulating protein Crry, and HEV-like vessels. Within this quasi-lymphoid environment, both the cytokine milieu and T cell populations were polarized towards a regulatory phenotype, while tumors lacking CCL21 induced tumor antigen-specific immunity. The CCL21 mediated immune tolerization was complement-dependent and systemic, with the presence of a control tumor protecting a distant CCL21-knockdown tumor from immune recognition. We suggest that “lymph node mimicry” gives tumors an advantage: by attracting naïve T cells and guiding their education in the immunosuppressive tumor environment, CCL21-secreting tumors can shift the host immune response from immunogenic to tolerogenic, facilitating growth and invasion.

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