Multi-lineage (ML) genes show imprinted expression in both the em

Multi-lineage (ML) genes show imprinted expression in both the embryo and extra-embryonic tissues, while extra-embryonic lineage-specific (EXEL) genes show imprinted expression restricted to specific cell lineages in the placenta and visceral yolk sac. EXEL genes are an example of long-range cis-silencing by a macro ncRNA, as they are located in the outer region of an imprinted cluster at a greater distance from the macro ncRNA than ML genes ( Figure 1) [ 11••]. Long ncRNAs Natural Product Library mouse are widespread throughout the genome and include a group known as long intergenic

ncRNAs or lincRNAs, which are defined by an H3K4me3-H3K36me3 chromatin signature [12 and 13]. Some lincRNAs are associated with long-range cis-activation of neighbouring genes [ 14]; for example, HOTTIP and Mistral activate nearby, but not distant, genes in

the HOXD and HOXA clusters by recruiting the H3K4me3 methyltransferase MLL1 [ 15 and 16•]. Other lincRNAs are implicated in gene silencing. Approximately 20% of lincRNAs are associated with polycomb complex 2 (PRC2), which deposits the repressive H3K27me3 modification [ 17]. The human lincRNA HOTAIR expressed from the HOXC cluster acts in trans by targeting PCR2 to the HOXD cluster and causing gene silencing [ 18]; however, this function is not conserved in mouse [ 19••]. The function of most lincRNAs remains unknown, but the example of imprinted macro ncRNAs indicates that some may regulate nearby genes by long-range cis-silencing. Another example of buy BAY 73-4506 long-range cis-silencing by a long ncRNA is X chromosome inactivation, which is regulated by Xist ncRNA

FER [ 20]. However, X-inactivation results in silencing of a whole chromosome whereas imprinted macro ncRNAs silence a more limited domain of protein-coding genes, making them the more appropriate model to understand how long-range cis-silencing by lincRNAs may work [ 21•]. Two types of cis-silencing can be mediated by macro ncRNAs: short-range silencing occurs when the ncRNA transcript fully or partially overlaps the regulated gene, while long-range silencing refers to regulation of non-overlapped genes. This review concentrates on recent findings on the mechanism of long-range cis-silencing by ncRNAs. A fundamental question is whether macro ncRNA silencing of gene expression requires the ncRNA product or if transcription alone is responsible for silencing. This question arises because features of imprinted macro ncRNAs, including the lack of sequence conservation, a low splicing rate and their unusually large size do not indicate a function for the RNA product [ 22 and 23]. The role of long ncRNAs in regulating genes in the surrounding imprinted cluster has been tested in four cases. The H19 ncRNA is fully spliced and thus not a macro ncRNA, and it is also not responsible for cis-silencing in the Igf2 cluster, but instead has been reported to regulate imprinted genes in trans, a function that may relate to its role as a micro RNA host transcript [ 24].

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