P Ncf1*/* MBQ mice ROS production by macrophages modulate T-cell

P.Ncf1*/*.MBQ mice ROS production by macrophages modulate T-cell reactivity to CII. The influence of NOX2-derived ROS on several Th-polarized subsets 7, 43, 44, on tolerization 44–46, activation 7 and, as

we show here, on priming, suggest a role for ROS in increasing the threshold of activation of T cells and modulating the phenotype at different moments of activation. The anti-inflammatory GPCR Compound Library nmr effect of ROS on T cells is likely to be highly regulated and operating compartmentally, i.e. in the immunological synapse, making it plausible that excessive production of ROS has pro-inflammatory or balancing effects in other situations. Increased ROS production in the joints is observed in both the animal models 1 and in human RA 47–51. This has been suggested to increase inflammation and damage in rheumatoid arthritis 47–51 although our data show that ROS in fact protect against disease in the animal models. In CIA it is well known that B cells are crucial and antibodies are a major pathogenic factor. In the B10.P.MBQ mouse no enhanced B-cell activation or anti-CII antibody production as compared with the arthritis resistant B10.P controls has been observed. Importantly however, the Ap molecule can present CII peptides,

and the B10.P mice do produce small amounts of anti-CII antibodies, possibly reflecting a low level of T-cell activation. Apparently, these low levels of antibodies did not result in arthritis. To exclude the possibility that a small subset of AG-014699 cost B cells was expressing low levels of Aq and were thereby able to accept T-cell help resulting in increased anti-CII antibody levels and disease, the epitope specificity of the anti-CII response was determined. If a few B cells were responsible for the observed effects, one would expect skewing of the antibody response toward a specific epitope. No difference in levels of Ab reactive with the U1, J1, C1 or B/T-cell epitopes on CII 20 or Ig isotypes (IgM, IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2b and IgG3) (data not shown) were observed. In conclusion, we have shown Methane monooxygenase that macrophages are

important cells not only in the inflammatory phase but are also able to prime an autoimmune response when ROS production is impaired. Importantly, the priming of T-cell responses occurred when the macrophage lacked the possibility to suppress activation via antigen presentation because of ROS producing capacity. These data indicate that the Ncf1-controlled ROS production is critical in inhibiting macrophages from priming autoimmune responses. All mice used were genetically controlled and shared the C57Bl/10 background. The C57/Bl10.P/rhd and C57/Bl10.Q/rhd strains originate from the Jan Klein mouse colony (Tübingen, Germany). C57/Bl10.P/rhd (B10.P) mice express MHC class II H2-Ap encoded by a congenic fragment from the P/J strain on chromosome 17 that is approximately spanning from 17.8 to 47.8 Mbp. The MHC class II congenic C57/Bl10.Q/rhd (B10.

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