Post hoc this website T-tests revealed no significant difference between the pre-treatment antioxidant values and those measured at the end of the trial in the control group, confirming that plasma antioxidant capacity following strenuous eccentric exercise was
only improved by the consumption of the blueberries. Figure 3 Plasma total antioxidant potential. Total antioxidant potential was assessed by the ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) [A] before treatment and pre-muscle damaging eccentric exercise in control (filled bars) or blueberry (open bars) groups and [B] pre-treatment (preT) at specific times pre (PreE), 12, 36 or 60 hours following 300 eccentric contractions of the quadriceps in control (♦) or blueberry (■) groups. Results are Silmitasertib expressed as either mean ± standard error [A] FRAP μmol/L or [B] % change from pre-treatment values. * P < 0.05 represents significant time difference from pre-treatment exercise levels, § P < 0.05 represents significant treatment (blueberry) x time
interaction, n = 10 volunteers. Discussion The primary aim of the study was to investigate the effect of blueberry consumption on markers of EIMD and inflammation after strenuous eccentric exercise. By employing a single-leg model, we were able to minimize confounders such as training status, health status, genetics, and lifestyle-relate factors. Further, by closely controlling diet and exercise prior to and during the experimental period, we were able to implement a feeding strategy to successfully explore the effectiveness of New 3-MA supplier Zealand blueberry consumption on muscle function recovery following strenuous eccentric repetitive quadriceps exercise. The main findings reveal that consumption of blended New Zealand blueberries at specific times pre and post eccentric muscle damaging exercise
accelerates the recovery of muscle peak isometric strength and facilitated a decline in eccentric exercise-induced oxidative stress. The eccentric muscle damaging exercise applied in this study has previously see more been employed by this group [28, 29] and was designed to assess the effectiveness of dietary intervention on the ensuing recovery events. The greatest loss in peak and average torque/tension was seen 12 hours following the 300 maximal eccentric contractions of the quadriceps muscle, indicating muscle damage had been achieved. Indeed, the significant decrease in muscle strength (isometric, concentric and eccentric) observed in both blueberry and control beverage conditions demonstrated that pre-consumption of the blueberry beverage had no treatment effect on the ability of the 300 repetitive eccentric quadriceps muscle contractions to cause the damage and weakness which is expected after a physical effort of this nature. Importantly, in relation to recovery from the 300 eccentric contractions, a significant time-treatment interaction effect on peak isometric tension was observed.