
GTPase domain couples GTP hydrolysis with a mechanica


GTPase domain couples GTP hydrolysis with a mechanical reaction that can confer motor-like functions. The middle domain is only poorly conserved and functions in multimerization of dynamin-like proteins. The effector domain serves in stimulation of GTPase activity and GSK2118436 molecular weight in the interaction of dynamin molecules. It contains characteristic heptad repeat regions that can form coiled coils, and which are relevant for dynamin interactions [3, 5]. In spite of their similar general arrangement, dynamin-like proteins are highly divergent in their individual setup, probably reflecting the broad spectrum of cellular functions they are involved in [4, 6]. The GTPase motifs within the GTPase domain show similarity to regulatory Ras-like GTPases [7], however, the domain is much larger than that of regulatory GTPases, and does not require additional stimulatory proteins, but instead is 100 fold enhanced through oligomerization. The domain displays low GTP affinity (10 to 100 μM), but high

GTPase activity. Purified dynamin has been shown to self-organize into rings and helical structures that are able to attach to lipid membranes and to distort them into large tubular structures. Addition of GTP gives rise to a conformational change and to a constriction, which ultimately leads to a fragmentation of the membrane. Some dynamin-like proteins have a high affinity to negatively charged phospholipids [3, 4, 6], indicating that membrane composition and lipid rafts may be important for the localization of dynamins. One of the best understood tasks performed by dynamin is pinching off of clathrin-coated vesicles. Dynamin assembles like a 4SC-202 cost collar around clathrin-coated membrane invaginations and through GTP hydrolysis driven conformational change dissects the vesicle from the membrane [8, 9]. In addition to this mechanical role, dynamin is discussed to be responsible for recruiting additional factors to the clathrin pits to facilitate and regulate the formation of the vesicles [10]. Interestingly, many bacterial genomes also contain potential dynamin-like

proteins. The crystal structure of the protein termed BDLP (bacterial dynamin-like Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase protein) from the filamentous cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme revealed that indeed, this protein has a typical dynamin GTPase domain, a neck domain, and an end domain [11]. Structural analysis of BDLP suggests that it operates as a homodimer as smallest unit. The purified protein shares several properties with dynamins: it self-assembles into tubular structures containing radial spokes, which tubulate membranes [12]. In vivo, BLDP localizes as irregular focus-like assemblies at the cell membrane [11]. Bacillus subtilis is a model organism for Gram positive bacteria and contains a predicted dynamin-like protein, DynA.

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