The structural similarity of SscA to SycD made this protein a log

The structural similarity of SscA to SycD made this protein a logical candidate. To test this hypothesis we immunoprecipitated SscA-FLAG from bacterial cells and

analyzed the co-precipitated proteins by Western blot learn more with anti-SseC antiserum. SseC was pulled down only in the Salmonella strain expressing SscA-FLAG and not from control lysates generated from untagged wild type cells (Figure 2A). To verify this interaction, we performed a reciprocal co-IP by pulling down SseC-FLAG and showing co-precipitation of SscA-His6 in the eluted protein fraction (Figure 2B). To examine the specificity of the SscA-SseC interaction, we tested whether SscA-FLAG could immunoprecipitate other members of the translocon apparatus, including SseB and SseD, which it did not (Figure 2C). These data indicated that SscA interacted with SseC, but not the other translocon proteins. Figure 2 Selleck SAHA HDAC SscA interacts with the translocon protein SseC. (A) Wild type Salmonella (left panels) and a strain carrying a plasmid expressing SscA-FLAG (right panels) were grown in

LPM minimal medium, lysed and subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-FLAG antibody. Immunoprecipated proteins were probed by Western blot with anti-SseC antiserum and anti-FLAG antibody. (B) A reciprocal immunoprecipitation to that shown in part A was performed with a strain expressing SscA-His6 and a strain expressing both SscA-His6 and SseC-FLAG as indicated. SseC-FLAG was immunoprecipitated and proteins were blotted using

anti-His and anti-FLAG antibodies. (C) SscA-FLAG does not immunoprecipitate the SseB or SseD translocon proteins. The specificity of the SscA-SseC interaction was tested by probing SscA-FLAG immunoprecipitates with antibodies raised against SseD and SseB, neither of which was detectable in the final eluted protein fraction. Each immunoprecipitation experiment was repeated three times with similar results. SscA is necessary for secretion of SseC To determine Carbachol if the interaction between SscA and SseC was necessary for SseC secretion, we performed an in vitro secretion assay using wild type and ΔsscA under conditions that activate expression and activity of the SPI-2 T3SS. The secreted protein fraction from the culture supernatant of both wild type S. Typhimurium and ΔsscA was immunoblotted for the translocon proteins SseB, SseC, and SseD using specific antisera. The sscA mutant failed to secrete SseC as this protein was absent from the secreted protein fraction despite abundant levels in the bacterial cytoplasmic fraction (Figure 3A). SseC was detected in both the secreted protein and cytoplasmic fractions from wild type Salmonella and deletion of sscA had no demonstrable effect on the secretion of SseB or SseD (Figure 3A). To verify this phenotype, we complemented the ΔsscA mutant by transforming it with a plasmid to restore sscA expression.

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