There, the immobilization strategies to graft different chemical<

There, the immobilization strategies to graft different chemical

substances on the surface of a microreactor, a support, are used for a design of necessary conditions within the microreactor spaces. Surface modification by silanization is a very common method for particle functionalization. High density of free amino groups (-NH2) lying outwards the particle surface provides an excellent media for further chemical surface modification such as enzyme cross-linking with glutaraldehyde [5]. The immobilization of enzymes in microreactors is mostly carried out in a covalent way. The main advantage of covalent immobilization is the retention of the enzyme during the whole biocatalytic process [6]. Actually, immobilization is a well-established approach Q-VD-Oph price in a wide range of industrial applications. Both synthetic and natural inorganic materials such as clay, glass beads, silice-based materials, and celite have been used to immobilize enzymes, the natural catalysts

DMXAA for many biological processes. Among them, mesoporous silicates are the most interesting due to their attractive properties, availability, and simple preparation [7]. Peroxidase immobilization on inorganic mesoporous silicates has proven to be an interesting alternative to improve enzyme functionality [8]. The large regular repeating structures of photonic porous silicon structure offer the possibility of adsorbing or entrapping large biomolecules within their pores, providing a suitable microenvironment to stabilize the enzyme. Peroxidases (EC, etc.) belong to a large family of enzymes that participate in a large number of natural processes developed in living organisms. They are ubiquitous in fungi, plants, and vertebrates [9]. Their principal active sites contain a heme prosthetic group or, alternately, residues GABA Receptor of redox-active cysteine or seleno-cysteine groups that are able to oxidize a large number of organic compounds initiated by one electron oxidation step [10]. For all peroxidases, the natural substrate is hydrogen peroxide, but the oxidative process can be performed with many other organic hydro-peroxides such as lipid peroxides. In the oxidation of phenols or aromatic amines, peroxidases produce free radicals that may dimerise or polymerize and thus, in general, form products that are much less soluble in water. This property might be used in removing carcinogenic aromatic amines and phenols from industrial aqueous effluents. Enzymes are also involved in degradation of aromatic compounds and other xenobiotics, including pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and dioxins [11], and thus can be used for removal of aromatic pollutants [12, 13] as antioxidant [14], as indicators for food processing [15], in bioelectrodes [16] and in the synthesis of conducting materials [17].

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