We used deep sequencing of Ty1-flanking sequence amplicons to cha

We used deep sequencing of Ty1-flanking sequence amplicons to characterize Ty1 integration. Surprisingly, some insertions were found in mitochondria! DNA sequences, presumably reflecting insertion into mitochondria! DNA segments that had migrated to the nucleus. The overwhelming majority of insertions

were associated with the 5′ regions of Pot III transcribed genes; alignment of Ty1 insertion sites revealed a strong sequence motif centered on but extending beyond the target site duplication. A strong sequence-independent preference for nucleosomal integration sites was observed, 17-AAG in vitro in distinction to the preferences of the Hermes DNA transposon engineered to jump in yeast and the Tfl retrotransposon of Schizosaccharomyces pombe, both of which

prefer nucleosome AZD8931 molecular weight free regions. Remarkably, an exquisitely specific relationship between Ty1 integration and nucleosomal position was revealed by alignment of hotspot Ty1 insertion position regions to peak nucleosome positions, geographically implicating nucleosomal DNA segments at specific positions on the nucleosome lateral surface as targets, near the “bottom” of the nucleosome. The specificity is observed in the three tRNA 5′-proximal nucleosomes, with insertion frequency dropping off sharply 5′ of the tRNA gene. The sites are disposed asymmetrically on the nucleosome relative to its dyad axis, ruling out several simple molecular models for Ty1 targeting, and instead suggesting association with GNS-1480 concentration a dynamic or directional process such as nucleosome remodeling associated with these regions.”
“The genome of Brucella melitensis contains genes coding for the sigma

factors RpoD, RpoN, RpoH1, RpoH2, RpoE1 and RpoE2. Previously published data show that B. melitensis is flagellated and that an rpoE1 mutant overexpresses the flagellar protein FlgE. In this study, we demonstrate that mutation of rpoE1 causes an overexpression of the flagellar genes fliF, flgE, fliC, flaF and flbT, correlating with the production of a longer filament and thereby demonstrating that RpoE1 acts as a flagellar repressor. Moreover, mutation of rpoE1 increases the promoter activity of the flagellar master regulator ftcR, suggesting that RpoE1 acts upstream of ftcR. Together, these data show that RpoE1 represses the flagellar synthesis and filament length in B. melitensis.”
“Activity-guided repeated fractionation of crude hydro alcoholic extract prepared from the fruit peel of Punica granatum on a silica-gel column yielded a compound that exhibited strong antifungal activity against Candida spp. Based on spectral analyses, the compound was identified as punicalagin. Punicalagin showed strong activity against Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis, with MICs of 3.9 and 1.9 mu g/ml, respectively. The combination of punicalagin and fluconazole showed a synergistic interaction. MIC for fluconazole decreased twofold when combined with the extract.

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