23 TDR is characterized by a 2-week delay in onset followed by persistent Adriamycin in vitro improvement and PPR is characterized by early, transient, or nonpersistent improvement.23,24 Patients with major depressive disorder who have PPR are more likely to experience relapse compared with those with TDR, and antidepressant continuation appears to be no more effective in preventing depressive relapse than Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical placebo.23 Biological and cognitive differences in depressed patients with TDR and
PPR We conducted two studies at our center assessing differences in biological and cognitive factors between patients with TDR and PPR. In the first study, we evaluated the relationship between basal ganglia cholinecreatine ratios, as measured by in vivo localized proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
(MRS), among patients with TDR compared with those without TDR following antidepressant treatment.25 We found a significant difference in the degree of change from baseline to week 8 in choline-creatine ratios between the TDR group (N=8) and the PPR/nonresponse group (N=7); patients with TDR had a 20% increase Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in choline-creatine ratios, and those with PPR/nonresponse had a 12% decrease in choline-creatine ratios. Our data suggest that TDR to fluoxetine treatment in depression may be associated with an increase in choline-creatine ratios in the basal ganglia.25 In the second study, we Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical examined the relationship between cognitive factors and TDR (N=134) and PPR (N=66) to antidepressant treatment.26 We found that after 8 weeks of treatment with an antidepressant, patients with PPR had Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical significantly lower scores on the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) (P<0.001 and P<0.05, respectively) compared with patients with TDR. Our preliminary data suggest that significant
changes in cognitive/psychological factors accompany PPR with antidepressant treatment and differentiate it from the TDR pattern. Predictors of placebo response in depression Illness factors Predictors of placebo response Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in depression include a relatively short illness duration, a precipitating event, depression of mild-to-modcratc severity, and a good response to previous antidepressant treatment.27 Bialik and colleagues28 found that the placebo response rate was the highest for women with a single episode of depression (66.7%) and lowest for women with recurrent depressive episodes (13.3%). These authors also found that, among patients second experiencing their first episode, placebo responders had lower Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD) total scores at baseline and lower ratings of psychomotor retardation than nonresponders. For patients with a recurrence of an episode, placebo responders had lower baseline ratings of somatic anxiety.28 Stewart and coworkers29 found that the presence of a psychosocial stressor in the context of a depressive episode predicted a higher rate of placebo response.