Finally, probable murmurs and souffles were spotted The proposed

Finally, probable murmurs and souffles were spotted. The proposed algorithm was applied to 52 min PCG signals gathered from patients with different valve diseases. The provided database find more was annotated by some cardiology experts equipped by echocardiography

and appropriate computer interfaces. The acquisition landmarks were in 2R (aortic), 2L (pulmonic), 4R (apex) and 4L (tricuspid) positions. The acquisition sensor was an electronic stethoscope (3 M LittmannA (R) 3200, 4 kHz sampling frequency). The operating characteristics of the proposed method have an average sensitivity Se = 99.00% and positive predictive value PPV = 98.60% for sound type recognition (i.e., S1, S2, S3 or S4).”
“The immobilization of proteins to surfaces is an active area of research due to strong interest in protein-based sensors. Here, we describe a novel method for immobilizing ligand proteins onto Biacore sensor chips using the transpeptidase activity of Staphylococcus aureus sortase A (SrtA). This method provides a robust and gentle approach for the site-directed, covalent buy Bioactive Compound Library coupling of proteins to biosensor chips. Notably, the

high specificity of the sortase allows immobilization of proteins from less than pure protein samples allowing short cuts in protein purification protocols.”
“In this study, the saccharification and fermentation of the by-product of starch manufacture, potato pulp, were investigated. Analytic results of the components show that the potato pulp contains large amounts of starch, cellulose, and pectin. A commercial enzyme from ACY-738 in vitro Acremonium cellulolyticus was found to be highly efficient in the saccharification of potato pulp, since it exhibited high pectinase, alpha-amylase, and cellulase activities. Hydrothermal

treatment of the potato pulp increased the saccharification rate, with a corresponding glucose concentration of 114g/L and yield of 68% compared to the glucose concentration of 47 g/L and yield of 28% in the untreated case. The hydrolyzate could be used as both nitrogen and carbon sources for ethanol fermentation, showing that bioconversion of potato pulp to ethanol is feasible. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often co-occurs with chronic pain. Neither the Underlying mechanism of this comorbidity nor the nature of pain perception among subjects with PTSD is well defined. This study is the first systematic and quantitative evaluation of pain perception and chronic pain in subjects with PTSD. The study group consisted of 32 outpatients with combat- and terror-related PTSD, 29 outpatients with anxiety disorder and 20 healthy controls. Quantitative somatosensory testing included the measurement of warm, cold, light touch and heat-pain thresholds rend responses to acute suprathreshold heat and mechanical stimuli. Chronic pain was characterized. and levels of PTSD and anxiety symptomatology were assessed by self-report questionnaires.

NO visualization was dependent on light, seedling age, and chloro

NO visualization was dependent on light, seedling age, and chloroplast function throughout cotyledons lifespan. The addition of herbicides with action in chloroplasts (DCMU and paraquat) dramatically reduced the quantum AZD6094 order yield of photosystem II (phi(PSII)), and lead to images with absence of punctuated green fluorescence. Moreover, electron paramagnetic resonance signals corresponding to NO-spin trap adduct observed in cotyledon

homogenates decreased significantly by the treatment with herbicides, as compared to controls. Neither chloroplast function nor NO content were significantly different in cotyledons from plants growing in the presence of ammonium or nitrate as the nitrogen source.\n\nThese findings suggest that chloroplasts are organelles that contribute to NO synthesis in vivo, and that their proper functionality is essential for maintaining NO levels in soybean cotyledons. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.”
“Lithium is the only drug that obtained the highest level of recommendation for maintenance therapy in the recent German S3 guidelines GS-7977 datasheet on bipolar disorders. In addition it is the only drug with proven efficacy for the prevention of manic as well as depressive episodes in studies with a non-enriched design. Therefore, it is highly welcomed that The Lancet recently published a systematic review and meta-analysis on the risks and side

effects of lithium. This is the most comprehensive review on this topic so far.\n\nThe glomerular filtration rate and maximum urinary concentration

ability are slightly reduced under lithium. More patients suffered from renal failure compared to controls; however, renal failure remains a very rare event. The review confirmed the well known suppressive effects of lithium on the thyroid. An increase of serum calcium could be observed relatively frequently, therefore, regular control of serum calcium under lithium JNK-IN-8 research buy therapy is recommended. A relevant increase in body weight is more frequent under lithium than under placebo but less frequent than under olanzapine. No statistically significant increase could be found for hair loss, skin disorders or major congenital abnormalities.\n\nLithium treatment is a safe therapy when clinicians follow the established recommendations. Data indicate that a risk for renal failure exists especially in patients without regular monitoring or with too high lithium serum levels. A (subclinical) hypothyroidism is not an indication to stop administration of lithium but is an indication for l-thyroxin substitution therapy. In pregnancy the risks of continuing lithium should be balanced against the risks of stopping lithium together with the patient.”
“This is a review of my published research on hypertension over 45 years on the three main racial groups residing in KwaZulu-Natal and its main city Durban. These three groups are blacks – mainly Zulu, whites and Indians.

“Warbler species of the families Sylviidae and Acrocephali

“Warbler species of the families Sylviidae and Acrocephalidae occurring in the Danube river delta are frequently exposed to blood-sucking arthropods that transmit avian blood parasites. We investigated infections by three genera of hemosporidian parasites in blood samples from six warbler species. Altogether in 17 (32.6%) of 52 blood samples, a PCR product was amplified. The great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)

had the highest prevalence, with 63.6% (7/11) infected individuals, whereas no infection was detected in marsh warbler (Acrocephalus palustris). The most common parasite genus was Haemoproteus, which was found in 15.4% (8/52) of individuals. Seven known parasite lineages (five Haemoproteus and two Plasmodium) and two
ages were recorded (one Leucocytozoon and one Plasmodium).”
“We sought to understand the environmental constraints on

an arid-zone riparian Linsitinib purchase phreatophtye, saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima and related species and hybrids), growing over a brackish aquifer along the Colorado River in the VE-821 molecular weight western U.S. Depth to groundwater, meteorological factors, salinity and soil hydraulic properties were compared at stress and non-stressed sites that differed in salinity of the aquifer, soil properties and water use characteristics, to identify the factors depressing water use at the stress site.\n\nSaltcedar leaf-level transpiration (E-L), LAI, and stomatal conductance (G(S)) were measured over a growing season (June-September) with Granier and stem GSI-IX order heat balance sensors and were compared to those for saltcedar at the non-stress site determined in a previous study. Transpiration on a ground-area basis (E-G) was calculated

as E-L x LAI. Environmental factors were regressed against hourly and daily E-L and G(S) at each site to determine the main factors controlling water use at each site.\n\nAt the stress site, mean E-G over the summer was only 30 % of potential evapotranspiration (ETo). G(S) and E-G peaked between 8 and 9 am then decreased over the daylight hours. Daytime G(S) was negatively correlated with vapor pressure deficit (VPD) (P < 0.05). By contrast, E-G at the non-stress site tracked the daily radiation curve, was positively correlated with VPD and was nearly equal to ETo on a daily basis. Depth to groundwater increased over the growing season at both sites and resulted in decreasing E-G but could not explain the difference between sites. Both sites had high soil moisture levels throughout the vadose zone with high calculated unsaturated conductivity. However, salinity in the aquifer and vadose zone was three times higher at the stress site than at the non-stress site and could explain differences in plant E-G and G(S).

The detection of positive selection pressure in the non-structura

The detection of positive selection pressure in the non-structural protein along genotype II indicated that DENV-3 originated from Southeast Asia needs to monitor the emergence of DENV strains with epidemic potential for better epidemic prevention and vaccine development.”
“Background/Aim: Autophagy is a degradation process of cytoplasmic cellular constituents. We have described the vacuole membrane

protein-1 (VMP1) whose expression triggers autophagy in mammalian cells. The aim of this study was to analyze the role of autophagy in human pancreatic cancer cell death. Methods/Results: Here we show that gemcitabine, the standard chemotherapy for pancreatic cancer, induced autophagy in PANC-1 and MIAPaCa-2 cells, as evidenced by the accumulation of

acidic vesicular organelles, the recruitment of microtubule-associated H 89 cell line protein-1 light chain-3, and electron microscopy. In addition, gemcitabine treatment induced early expression of VMP1 in cancer cells. Gemcitabine also induced apoptosis detected by morphology, annexin V-positive cells, and cleavage of caspase-3. Surprisingly, 3-methyladenine, an autophagy inhibitor, decreased apoptosis in gemcitabine-treated cells, showing that autophagy leads to cancer cell apoptotic death. Finally, VMP1 knockdown decreased autophagy and apoptosis in gemcitabine-treated cancer cells. buy IWR-1-endo Conclusions: The VMP1-autophagy pathway promotes apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells and mediates gemcitabine-induced cytotoxicity. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel and IAP”
“BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Traumatic injury to the lumbar spine is evaluated and treated based on the perceived stability of the spine. Recent classification schemes have established the importance of evaluating the posterior ligamentous complex (PLC) to fully comprehend stability. There are a variety of techniques to Dinaciclib chemical structure evaluate the PLC, including assessment of interspinous distance. However reference data to define normal widening are poorly developed.\n\nPURPOSE: Define normal interspinous

widening in the lumbar spine.\n\nSTUDY DESIGN: Biomechanical and observational. To establish reference data for asymptomatic population and use the reference data to suggest criteria for routine clinical practice to be validated in future studies.\n\nMETHODS: Interspinous distances were measured from lateral lumbar X-rays of 157 asymptomatic volunteers. Measurements from the asymptomatic population were used to define normal limits and create a simple screening tool for clinical use. Distances were calculated from the relative position of landmarks at each intervertebral level. The distances were normalized to the anterior-posterior width of the superior end plate of L3.

Materials and Methods: The bone ingrowth of biphasic graft materi

Materials and Methods: The bone ingrowth of biphasic graft materials was tested in a rabbit calvaria defect model after chemical characterization: HA/TCP (25%/75%) with collagen, HA/TCP

(25%/75%) without collagen, (HA/TCP)/PLGA (85%/15%) with collagen, (HA/TCP)/PLGA (65%/35%) with collagen and a commercially available (HA/TCP)/PLGA (50%/50%) (ReOss T, Intra-Lock International, Boca Raton, selleck compound FL) was used as control. After 4 and 8 weeks, the retrieved samples were subjected to histomorphometrical analysis. Results: Histomorphometry presented no significant differences concerning the bone formation between the different groups at both 4 and 8 weeks. Evidently, the (HA/TCP)/PLGA (65%/35%) with collagen presented the least amount of soft tissue incorporation within the defect. The same group possessed higher amounts of bone graft material within the defect throughout the 8-week observation period, whereas the other groups seemed to decrease in volume from 4 to 8 weeks. Conclusion: Changing the PLGA percentage to 35% within the biphasic graft material seemed to maintain its volume and prevented soft tissue migration, which could be clinically beneficial.”
“Osteoblasts originate from mesenchymal LY3023414 PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor stem cells by the coordinated activities of different

signaling pathways that regulate the expression of osteoblast-specific genes. Runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) is the master transcription factor for osteoblast differentiation. Despite the importance of Runx2 in the developing skeleton, how Runx2 expression is regulated remains a pivotal question. Snail, a zinc finger transcription factor, is essential for triggering epithelial-to-mesenchymal MI-503 manufacturer transitions (EMTs) during embryonic development and tumor progression. Here, we report that Runx2 expression is significantly up- or down-regulated relative to Snail expression. We demonstrate that Snail binds to the Runx2 promoter

and that repression of Runx2 transcription by Snail is dependent on specific E-box sequence within the promoter. With antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)-mediated knockdown of Snail expression in zebrafish, we observed alterations in osteogenic potential. These results indicate that Snail plays a crucial role in osteogenic differentiation by acting as a direct Runx2 repressor. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Purpose Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) is overexpressed in many cancer and is emerging as a potential therapeutic target. Yet data on the expression of eIF4E in endometrial cancer are lacking.\n\nMethods Immunohistochemistry was used to evaluate the expression of eIF4E in 62 endometrial cancer surgical specimens. We subsequently evaluated whether inhibition of eIF4E by siRNA would have an impact on cell growth in endometrial cancer cell lines, using the MTT cell proliferation assay.

Several studies have shown, however, that dual-time-point F-18-FD

Several studies have shown, however, that dual-time-point F-18-FDG PET imaging provides improved accuracy in the diagnosis of certain primary tumours when compared with single-scan imaging. The purpose of this study was to assess whether the use of dual-time-point F-18-FDG PET/CT scans could improve the diagnostic accuracy of ALN metastasis in breast cancer.\n\nMethod: The study included 171 breast cancer patients who underwent pre-operative F-18-FDG PET/CT scans at 2 time-points, the first at 1 h after radiotracer injection and the second 3 h after injection. Where F-18-FDG

uptake was in the ALN perceptibly increased, the maximum standardised uptake values for both time-points (SUVmax1 GS-9973 ic50 and SUVmax2) and the retention index (RI) were

calculated. Correlation between the PET/CT results and post-operative histological results was assessed.\n\nResults: The performance of 1 h and 3 h PET/CT scans was equal, with sensitivity 60.3% and specificity 84.7%, in detecting ALN metastasis. find more Out of 171 patients, 60 had ALNs with increased F-18-FDG uptake on 1 h or 3 h images. There was no significant difference in RI between the metastatic ALN-positive group and the node-negative group. The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for SUVmax1 was 0.90 (p<0.001) and 0.87 for SUVmax2 (p<0.001).\n\nConclusion: Dual time-point imaging did not improve the overall performance of F-18-FDG PET/CT in detecting ALN metastasis in breast cancer patients.”
“Hyaluronic acid (HA) ultra-thin fibrous membranes by electrospinning technology had been fabricated successfully by our group.

However, these HA fibrous membranes dissolve and decompose rapidly in water. In this study, chemical crosslinking of HA and HA based ultra-thin fibrous membranes was studied in detail. It was found that the chemically crosslinked pure HA ultra-thin fibrous membranes with 1-ethyl -3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC) as the crosslinking agent did not show an obvious improvement in the water-resistance. However, by simply adding and changing the gelatin content, the degradation time of the HA based fibrous membranes could be effectively adjusted from one week to several months. That is with the increase in RG-7388 in vivo gelatin content, the water-resistance of the HA/gelatin bi-component membranes could be increased greatly. The crosslinked HA/gelatin bicomponent membranes were evaluated in vitro by seeding with mouse embryonic fibroblasts (3T6-Swiss Albino). The results showed that the HA/gelatin fibrous membranes were cytocompatible and suitable for cell viability. However, cells were hard to attach and grow on the HA based membranes. Thus, the HA/gelatin fibrous membranes with controllable degradation rate could have good potential applications in the anti-adhesion and wound dressing fields.

Of the remaining 916 patients, a single abnormal

Of the remaining 916 patients, a single abnormal G418 solubility dmso gland was identified on MIBI in 682 (74%), US in 731 (80%), and concordance of both in 588 (64%). Unsuspected multiglandular disease (MGD) was identified at BE in 22%, 22%, and 20% of patients, respectively. Adding intraoperative parathyroid hormone sampling

(IOPTH) further reduced the rate of unsuspected MGD to 16%, 17%, and 16%. Overall, IOPTH correctly predicted MGD in only 22%. Neither concomitant nonsurgical thyroid disease nor more stringent selection criteria (preop Ca > 11 mg/dL and PTH > 120 pg/dL) altered success rates. In patients with MGD, a subsequent gland identified was larger than the index gland in 23%. Ninety-eight percent of BE patients were cured of F HPT.\n\nConclusions: This is the largest study to evaluate the prevalence of additional

parathyroid pathology in patients who are candidates for LE. Limitations in localizing studies and IOPTH fail to identify MGD in at least 16% of patients, risking future recurrence.”
“Four AZD3965 mw specific forces (H-bonds, van der Waals forces, hydrophobic and charge interactions) shape the structure of proteins, and many biologists assume they will determine the shape of all structures in the cell. However, as the mass and contour length of a human chromosome are similar to 7 orders of magnitude larger than those of a typical protein, additional forces can become significant.

We review evidence that additional non-specific (entropic) forces are major determinants of chromosomal shape and position. They are sufficient to drive the segregation (de-mixing) of newly replicated DNA to the poles of bacterial cells, while an entropic centrifuge can both form human chromosomes into territories and position them appropriately in nuclei; more locally, a depletion attraction can loop bacterial and human genomes.”
“Human infection associated with a novel reassortant avian influenza H7N9 virus has recently been identified in China(1). A total of 132 confirmed cases and 39 deaths have been reported(2). Most patients presented with severe pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome(3,4). Although the first epidemic has Compound C subsided, the presence of a natural reservoir and the disease severity highlight the need to evaluate its risk on human public health and to understand the possible pathogenesis mechanism. Here we show that the emerging H7N9 avian influenza virus poses a potentially high risk to humans. We discover that the H7N9 virus can bind to both avian-type (alpha 2,3-linked sialic acid) and human-type (alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid) receptors. It can invade epithelial cells in the human lower respiratory tract and type II pneumonocytes in alveoli, and replicated efficiently in ex vivo lung and trachea explant culture and several mammalian cell lines.

Blastocysts either diploid for chromosome copy number (20) or dia

Blastocysts either diploid for chromosome copy number (20) or diagnosed as single- (40) or double aneuploid (10) were included after preparing the embryo into one ICM and three equal-sized TE sections. Accuracy of the aCGH was measured based on FISH reanalysis. Chromosomal segregations resulting in diploid/aneuploid mosaicism were classified as low-, medium- and high- grade and categorized with respect to their distribution (1TE, 2TE, 3TE, ICM or ALL embryo). Linear regression model was used to GW 572016 test the relationship between the distributions and the proportion of aneuploid cells across the four embryo sections. Fishers exact test was used

to test for random allocation of aneuploid cells KPT-8602 between TE and ICM.\n\nAll ICM biopsy procedures displayed ICM cells in the recovered fraction with a mean number of ICM cells of 26.2 and a mean TE cell contamination rate of 2. By FISH reanalysis of previously aCGH-screened blastocysts, a total of 66 aneuploidies were scored, 52 (78.8) observed in all cells and 14 (21.2) mosaic. Overall, mosaic chromosomal errors were observed only in 11 out of 70 blastocysts (15.7) but only 2 cases were classified as mosaic diploid/aneuploid (2.9). Sensitivity and specificity of aCGH on TE clinical biopsies were 98.0 and 100 per embryo and 95.2 and 99.8 per chromosome, respectively. Linear regression analysis

performed on the 11 mosaic diploid/aneuploid selleck compound chromosomal segregations showed a significant positive correlation between the distribution and the proportion of aneuploid cells

across the four-blastocyst sections (P 0.01). In addition, regression analysis revealed that both the grade and the distribution of mosaic abnormal cells were significantly correlated with the likelihood of being diagnosed by aCGH performed on clinical TE biopsies (P 0.019 and P 0.01, respectively). Fishers exact test for the 66 aneuploidies recorded showed no preferential allocation of abnormal cells between ICM and TE (P 0.33).\n\nThe study is limited to non-transferable embryos, reanalyzed for only nine chromosomes and excludes segmental imbalance and uniparental disomy. The prevalence of aneuploidy in the study group is likely to be higher than in the general population of clinical PGD embryos.\n\nThis study showed high accuracy of diagnosis achievable during blastocyst stage PGS cycles coupled with 24-chromosomes molecular karyotyping analysis. The new ICM isolation strategy developed may open new possibilities for basic research in embryology and for clinical grade derivation of human embryonic stem cells.\n\nNo specific funding was sought or obtained for this study.”
“Germinal center development, critical for long-term humoral immunity, requires the trafficking of T and B lymphocytes to defined tissues and locations after antigenic challenge.

We validated our in vitro findings with reporter studies in E co

We validated our in vitro findings with reporter studies in E. coli showing that both E. coli NrdR and CT406 repressed transcription from the E. coli nrdH and C. trachomatis nrdAB promoters in vivo. This in

vivo repression was reversed by hydroxyurea treatment. Since hydroxyurea inhibits ribonucleotide reductase and reduces intracellular deoxyribonucleotide levels, these results suggest that NrdR activity is modulated by a deoxyribonucleotide corepressor.”
“Accurate diagnostic tests are essential for the correct identification of etiologic agents causing sepsis. Conventional microbiology cultures are time consuming and may even yield negative results in many cases of septic shock. In this manner, molecular-based technologies are emerging as

promising tests TPX-0005 clinical trial for use into routine clinical laboratories. In this review, we discuss current available molecular methods for bacteremia diagnosis in adult and pediatric patients with suspected or confirmed sepsis. Results of studies using polymerase chain reaction, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and complementary DNA/oligonucleotide microarrays are described and discussed into the current scenario. These new methodologies HSP targets are able to detect even small amounts of bacterial DNA directly from blood specimens and show increased sensitivity and specificity for detecting many infectious agents associated with sepsis. Despite some limitations presented by nucleic acid-based techniques, these genotypic tests can be useful along with traditional microbiology diagnostics.”
“Background: Edoxaban (the free base of DU-176b) is an oral, direct factor (F)Xa HSP990 Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor inhibitor in clinical development for the prevention and

treatment of thromboembolic events. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of edoxaban for the prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Patients/methods: This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study conducted in Japan. A total of 523 Japanese patients were assigned to receive edoxaban 5, 15, 30 or 60 mg once daily or placebo for 11-14 days. A placebo control was used as neither low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) nor fondaparinux had been approved for thromboprophylaxis at the time of the study in Japan. The primary efficacy outcome was the incidence of VTE (lower-extremity deep vein thrombosis, symptomatic pulmonary embolism or symptomatic deep vein thrombosis). The primary safety outcome was the incidence of major and clinically relevant non-major bleeding. Results: Edoxaban produced a significant dose-related reduction in VTE: the incidence of VTE was 29.5%, 26.1%, 12.5% and 9.1% in the edoxaban 5-, 15-, 30- and 60-mg treatment groups vs. 48.3% in the placebo group.

Artesunate and mefloquine do not appear to have a significant

Artesunate and mefloquine do not appear to have a significant Tariquidar research buy influence on coordination

and behaviour. Children treated with mefloquine were significantly less likely to suffer recurrent malaria infection during follow-up compared to those treated with artesunate alone (P = 0.033).\n\nConclusion: In keeping with the results of randomized controlled trials in adults, mefloquine was not associated with a decrease in specific items of neurological performance. Likewise, children treated with artesunate did not perform significantly differently to control children. This study does not exclude subtle or rare treatment CNS effects of artesunate or mefloquine. Treatment of acute uncomplicated malaria results in a significant improvement on items of neurological performance.”
“PURPOSE To identify factors that influence binocular function in anisometropic, nonstrabismic children before and after optical correction and amblyopia therapy.\n\nMETHODS This was a prospective observational study of consecutive patients with nonstrabismic anisometropia. Visual acuity and responses to the 4 base-out prism

test, the Worth 4-dot test, and the TNO test were recorded after spectacle correction and every 3 months for 1 year. Factors affecting visual acuity and binocular function were analyzed using univariate and multiple stepwise regression analysis.\n\nRESULTS A total of 118 subjects were enrolled. At the end of the first year, the mean improvement in visual acuity was AZD2171 2.6 +/- 2.3 lines. The percentage of patients showing a positive response to the 4(Delta) base-out prism test increased from 47% to 79%; fusion in the Worth 4-dot test, from 37% to 66%; and measurable stereopsis on TNO testing, from 59% to 80%. Better initial visual acuity and better final visual acuity were associated with better binocular function. Interocular refractive error difference was a predictor of poor binocular function in multiple regression analysis if the difference in spherical error exceeded 4 D. Patients with amblyopia showed significantly worse binocular function

compared to those with no amblyopia.\n\nCONCLUSIONS Binocular function of anisometropic children can be improved GSK1904529A Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor with refractive correction and amblyopia therapy. (J AAPOS 2011;15:545-550)”
“Ultrasound assessments of fetal growth have been used in other species of primates to estimate fetal age, but there are no published morphometrics for the St. Kitts green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus), a species that has been important for studies of transplantation of fetal tissue into the brain as potential treatment for degenerative disease. Previous studies with other primate species have used relatively small numbers of pregnancies, measured repeatedly, to derive regressions for predicting fetal age from ultrasound studies.